Watching their Anime's | Season 1 - Chapter 12 - STARS_OFTHENIGHT (2024)

Chapter Text

"An assassination... WHAT?!" Leorio shrieked, jaw dropped.

"There's a class for that sort of thing?" Chopper questions in disbelief.

Rei (buddy daddies) makes an awkward face off to the side. Is it weird that I'm feeling a bit envious? Or is that really childish?

Power whined, "Aww man! I wish I could go!"

More than likely, it's government funded. Loid's frown deepened. They do love a young, abled body killer at the ready.

If there are so many assassin on hand, then what use will the Garden have for me?? Yor began to panic internally.

All the casts of the contradictory school animes all thought: Does that even count as education?

"What would the curriculum even be?" Sokka blanches, furrowing his brow. "Poisoning 101? Vital points and how to hit them?"

Making a dopey face, Maomao (apothecary diaries) starts to fantasize about what types of deadly poison they'd be showing.

Karma laughed, an easy going smile on his face. "Guess it's our turn, huh, Nagisa?"

Nagisa let out a heavy sigh, slumping his head forward. When asked, he would nod his head in acknowledgement.

"Ooh! I hope I look good on the big screen~!" Koro-sensei needlessly fretted, fidgeting around.

Karasuma rolled his eyes, "Yeah, like that's one of your biggest concerns."

"Besides, I should be the one to ask that question!" Irina (ass-class) interjected, twirling her hair around her finger.

| Morbid music starts to play as a sign reading: 3-E, is displayed on screen. The scene shifts inside the classroom, showing students with their heads down, shadows covering their faces. The air was tense, no one dared to move a muscle.

"Well this isn't ominous at all," L drawled, chewing on his bottom lip.

Wearing a look of dread, Zenitsu whimpered, "Their sounds are sooo creepy!! Totally unnatural!!"

Jinwoo (solo leveling) narrows his eyes, clasping his hands in his lap, thinking: Despite being an assassination classroom, they don't seem all that experienced.

| Something was flying amongst the clouds, and fast. The students heads were still fixed downwards, eyes fixated at their desks. Behind them were wooden plaques that read: 'Assassination' and '3-E'. Something was approaching a building atop a mountain.

A worn out school house came into view. Something or rather someone, landed on the ground with a distant crack, dust scattering to the wind from the impact.

Kayano gasps, glancing over at her left where a large window was.

Nagisa's blue eyes widened for a moment, only to narrow them when a sound appeared.

"Maan~ You're so uptight there, Nagisa~" Karma teased, poking at Nagisa's friend's cheek, much to his distain.

Karasuma notes: I can't say I'm surprised, it's exactly what you'd expect from junior-high students packed with a full arsenal.

Arsenal?? Kusuo deadpans, making an awkward expression.

"Runnn! Run while you still can!!" Usopp yells, cupping his hands around his mouth.

"Uggh! I can't watch! Just tell me when those kids are dead!!" Goll (record of ragnarok) shrieks, covering her face with her hands.

"But one of them are right here....." Hercules (record of ragnarok) trailed off, jerking his head towards Nagisa.

Wiping away dramatized tears, Kushida (classroom of the elite) cried out, "We can only hope that the children will find a way to defend themselves!"

I don't know whether to feel insulted or endeared by their concern...... Nagisa blanched.

"Ooh...this was exactly what I was worried about....!" Koro-sensei sniffles. "Now everyone's making the wrong assumption!" He buried his face in his tentacles out of despair.

| A slurpy, slithering sound emerged from the hallway, coming closer to the classroom with every second. Isogai swallowed a lump in his throat as the sound came to a pause.

The slithering noises came into the room, the sound of the sliding door opening and closing accompanying it. The students stared straight ahead with grim expressions.

A thin roll book was placed on a podium by a yellow appendage. A male voice with an even tone spoke up, "All right, people."

The camera angle shifted upward to show a yellow creature that resembled an octopus standing in front of the classroom. His face was set in a wide grin, his many tentacles wriggling. He wore a traditional, but slightly theatrical teaching robe with a tiny mortarboard hat atop his head. Around his neck was a black tie with a crescent moon on it.

"Let's get started shall we?" the octopus quips. "Class Monitor, if you would do the honors."

Nagisa yells, "Right! Ready!"

The entire class stood up abruptly, brandishing guns of all shapes and sizes.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Most of the audience burst out in an uproar.

Buddha (record of ragnarok) threw his head back in laughter by everyone's reaction.

"Where the hell did they get those?!" Atsushi (bsd) exclaimed, whilst gawking.

Takemichi's jaw was dropped, no seriously, dropped and locked in place from the shock. It took Hina a few minutes to get his jaw back in place.

Ah, to have good funding.... Loid thinks wistfully.

Kazuki (buddy daddies) came to a painful realization: We've been one-upped!!

Kids these days are crazy!!! Kafka (kaiju no. 8) came to the startling realization that the next generation may be scarier than he thought.

"Not too shabby," Killua quietly remarks, wearing a nonchalant look.

Fel (campfire cooking) rose an elegant brow, "Why are these humans so afraid of those hunks of metal?"

Most of the non-modern casts were glad that Fel addressed this. (ex: black clover, that time I was reincarnated as a slime etc)

Senku (dr. stone) smiles sinisterly. It's been a while since I've seen one of those. I can make gunpowder, but nothing beats the real thing!

"Well damn, you got them the good stuff," Irina (ass-class) prodded, pinching a brow. "How unfair~"

Karasuma shook his head stoically, "They're technically government employees, therefore they get a portion of the funding. You have the same privilege."

Irina huffed, puffing up her cheeks, "Oh shut up, you sexy smart-ass!"

Karasuma wasn't sure, at that moment, whether to be angry or flattered.

"Ooh~ They're getting scandalous~!" Lied (iruma-kun) teased, making kissy faces.

| "Aim!" The teacher stood in place, his expression never faltering. Nagisa narrows his eyes before he announces, "Fire!"

The student start to shoot at the same time, their bullets aimed towards their motionless teacher.

"Holy crap!" Sakura (wind breaker) swore, instinctively gripping the armrests of his seat.

In a mildly surprised tone, Yami (Black clover) hummed, "Well damn!"

Screaming internally, Mitsuri frowned uncomfortably, I wasn't mentally prepared for this type of beginning!!!

"How the hell did they miss?! There's like bullets coming from every side of the room!" Light exclaimed, glancing in Koro-sensei's direction.

"But their aim is completely uncoordinated, like they're just shooting a gun without aiming it," Yuichi (tomodachi game) informs, surprisingly knowledgeable.

Erwin (aot) wore a pensive look, "To think the young could bare the weight of a gun."

Aizawa turned to his class, "Watch this carefully, this'll prepare you for shoot outs. You were bound to see this eventually anyway."

Like hell we were?! The entire class seemed to have the same thought.

Biting his nails, Reigen thought: Compared to these kids, Mob might actually be considered normal!

"Aww!" Karma slumped in his chair.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Nagisa asked, raising a brow.

Karma continued to sulk, "I can't believe I missed the big shoot out..."

Nagisa looked off to the side, thinking: that's what you get from being suspended.

| The airborne bullets appeared frozen in place for a moment before Koro-sensei disappeared from his previous spot. He was moving in a flash, so fast that his form was a blur as he dodged the projectiles.

With how fast he was side-stepping, it seemed like there were triple of the octopus. In slight amusem*nt, he hums, "Oh. Oh my."

Kusuke's (saiki k) lip twitched upward as he remarked, "What a remarkable specimen!"

"How the hell is he doing that?!" Reno (kaiju no. 8) blurted, eyes blown wide.

"Either he's using instant teleportation magic or....." Finral (black clover) trailed off, unwilling to say the obvious answer.

"Or he's wicked fast!!" Luck (black clover) finished enthusiastically.

"Ah man! That's so bad!" Chrome (dr. stone) announces, eyes sparkling.

"It's so bad!!!" Chopper (one piece) wailed.

"Huh?" Koro-sensei hesitantly peeked through his tentacles.

| "Well, why don't I just call roll while you children wear yourselves out?" Koro-sensei remarks playfully. "Isogai?"

"Here." A boy's voice was slightly drowned out by the gunfire.

"What's that? I'm afraid I couldn't make it out over all the gunfire!"

"Here!" Isogai shouted irritably.

"How can he hear anything over that gunfire?" Emma (tpn) winced, cupping her ears.

"He's calling roll while being shot at? What kinda op power is this?!" Asta shrieked, grabbing at his hair, nearby tearing it out of his scalp.

Putting a shaky hand over his chest, Tamaki (mha) whimpers, "The confidence to do that... I'm envious...."

"Yeah.... It's almost like he's sure that he won't get hit!" Nirei (wind breaker) exclaims, eyes sparkling.

Karasuma hummed in acknowledgement. He's not too far off the mark.

| Koro-sensei continued to list off names amongst the gunfire. "Okajima?"




Students were fumbling to reload their weapons with fresh ammo.

"Not too shabby," Irina commented, toying with a strand of her hair.

And to think it took so long to prepare for this futile shootout.... Nagisa chuckled softly at the memory, rubbing his nape.

Killua stuck out his tongue as he thought: for an assassination classroom, they're hella inexperienced.

They're not any better than mafia meat shields in terms of aim, but still, impressive. Dazai chuckled lowly to himself.

"They can only talk like this because they know and can do better," Kusuo informs stoically.

| "Kataoka?"






The scene faded to the students panting from the effort. Most looking disappointed, annoyed, or a mixture of both. "Excellent!" the teacher closed his roll book with his permanent grin. "All present and accounted for." His face turned red, with a circle in the middle. "No tardies! Congratulations!"

There isn't even a scratch on him! Eren subtly clenched his fist, glancing over at the octopus with hostility and a hint of fear.

"Are you indestructible or something?" Kou (tbhk) questioned, mouth agape.

Gaining his wits back, Koro-sensei hesitantly answers, "Well.....not completely....."

"That's good," Teru (tbhk) acknowledges eerily.

Aki (csm) sighed heavily, "Could've fooled me."

"What the hell is that thing?!" Marcille (delicious in dungeon) groaned in horror. "He's not like any other monster I've ever seen!"

"I know right!" Laios (delicious in dungeon) beamed. "It's amazing!"

| "He's fast," Nakamura said out of breath.

Isogai added with a sigh, "The whole class opened fire and he doesn't even have a scratch."

Yep. Nagisa looked hesitantly down at the gun in his hand. We're assassins, and our our teacher.

"I'm gonna need the lore dropped, now. And it better be well explained, no plot holes allowed!" Nobara demanded, pounding her fist against her arm rest.

"Guess we've got our answer....." Finral (black clover) trailed off, his head hanging low in defeat. "He's just ultra fast, no magic required."

"My kinda dude!" Asta yelled, flexing his arms.

| Prodding one of his tentacle in the air, the octopus teases, "No luck today either, eh? That's really too bad. What's the lesson here? Numbers are no substitute for inventiveness, perhaps? That any hack can point a gun and pull a trigger? Some of Column A, some of Column B?" The class watched him curiously as he talked.

"I get that you were trying to cast the net as widely as possible, so to speak, but the approach lacked originality. When the target clocks at Mach Twenty, an assassin has to think outside the box."

"MACH TWENTY!?!?!" the audience screams, some members launching themselves from their seats in surprise.

"Ooh~ A difficult target indeed~" Hisoka moaned, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Can a living creature really go that fast?!" Eren sweats, gripping on the cushion of his chair.

"Bro has a cheat code for real!" Rimuru (that time I was reincarnated a slime) shrieks.

Denki scowls to himself, whining, "What I'd give to be that fast! God damn it!"

"He seems pretty inconvenient to try to kill, you know, with his power," Norman (tpn) deadpans, making an awkward face,

"Tell me about it," Karasuma sighed, rubbing his temple.

"And for a target, he's giving out pretty good, genuine advice," Nagumo (sakamoto days) shared, curiously stroking his chin.

Fully regaining his confidence, Koro-sensei laughed, "Well, thank you! I pride in giving my students the best chance poissble?"

"To what? Kill you?" Dot (mashle) jests, wearing a stupid expression.

"Exactly!" Koro-sensei agrees.

"Wha- WHAT THE HELL?! THAT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION!!" Dot (mashle) screeches, jaw dropped.

| "Ha. Right. Mach Twenty," Maehara scoffed, stepping forward in indignation. "No freaking way did you dodge that hail of bullets!"

Examining a bullet in the light, Sugino added, "He's got a point. I meant, these are only BBs, right? For all we know, you just stood there and took 'em like a champ."

At their words, the students started to chatter amongst themselves while the octopus only sighed.

"After everything we've watched, I have no doubt that he's the real deal!" Rengoku announced confidently.

"Really? No doubt at all?" Nagisa blanches. So we're really accepting this, this early on in the episode? Wow. Goes to show what being stuck in close quarters for some time does to you.

Nami shook her head, expressing sympathetically, "But having a radioactive yellow octopus that can travel at Mach Twenty as a teacher can be a stretch. I don't blame the kids."

"But I feel like we're missing something....." Chuuya voices close-eyed.

"Is anyone questioning why they're only using BBs." Kyouka (bsd) asked blankly.

"Yeah, that's weird as heck..... But even though BBs aren't lethal, they hurt like hell when shot like an actual bullet." Heisuke (sakamoto days) said thoughtfully, wincing at the thought.

Yaoyorozu clicked her tongue against her teeth, "Assassins using non-lethal BBs on their target? Somethings not adding up."

| "Collect the ammunition and bring it here," the teacher decreed dryly, dismissively waving his tentacle. Okano frowned as she handed over her pistol to her teacher. "As was explained: these are anti-me BBs. Harmless to you, but...."

Aiming the pistol at one of his tentacles, he fired, effectively tearing the limb from the rest of his flesh.

The majority audience screams and jumps at the sudden noise.

"Anti-me's?" Senku (dr. stone) cupped his chin in thought.

"That's certainly one way to prove a point," Jack the Ripper (record of ragnarok) hums.

"Perhaps he doesn't have a sense of self preservation?" Robin (one piece) suggests curiously.

"Uggh.... I'm gonna be sick...." Uraraka groaned, clamping a hand over her mouth.

Itadori cringed, massaging his left wrist.

"Master? Why are you cowering behind me?" Mob asked, glancing over at his sniveling master who was situated halfway behind him.

"Uh! Because I'm evaluating the best course of action, from all the way back here!" Reigen babbled, pulling stuff from his ass.

Karma laughed merrily at the scene, "Couldn't have given them a warning, teach?"

Laughing slyly beside him, Koro-sensei's grin widened, "Where's the fun in that?"

| The class screams and gasps from the shock.

"Able to split my cells like a knife through warm tofu," the octopus continued, his limb still flailing around, spewing yellow liquid. "Developed by your government for that express purpose."

The camera zooms into one of the bullets, which were pink and pellet shaped. It read: S.A.A.U.S.O with a smiling octopus on one side.

"Wait, your government is aware of this?" Aqua (Oshi no ko) asked warily.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," Ayanokoji (COTE) comments dryly.

"Pffft-" Karma barely managed to suppress his snort. "Aware? They're the ones who hired us, stone face."

"Way to put child safety laws into questions," Aizawa groaned, running a hand through his hair

Jinwoo (solo leveling) narrowed his eyes, "Why are kids employed to kill such a target rather than legitimate agents?"

"It's the government, who knows how these bigoted assholes think?" Draken scoffs.

| The class recoils in disgust as the severed limb flailed on the floor like a dying fish. "Of course, after a few seconds, I can regenerate good as new." the teacher watched as his appendage twitched before a new tentacle sprouted from it. "A luxury you won't have if you accidentally shoot your eye out."

Nagisa gasped softly as his teacher continued, "From now on, no discharging guns in the classroom. Safety first!"

Shinobu breathed softly, "It's almost unbelievable that someone like this can exist amongst humans.... My, how troubling....."

Regeneration? This guy is like super, ultra op! Mukoda (campfire cooking) shook like leaf in the wind.

"Oooh! Samples! Samples!" Maomao (apothecary diaries) drooled, itching to do a taste test on Koro-sensei's flesh.

"Regeneration? Man, do I feel bad!" Kazuki chuckles, slinging an arm around Nagisa's shoulders.

"That's rough guys," Sokka remarked wittily, laying back.

Finn (Mashle) shrieked, griping onto his hair, "This is totally one-sided!"

Kojiro (record of ragnarok) chuckled, "I gotta agree with this youngster. They've got one hell of a target!"

| The octopus's grin widened, his expression turning mischievous, several green rings appearing around his head. "And good luck killing me before graduation. You're gonna need it," he voiced confidently. From outside the classroom, the 3-E sign is shown again. "Firearms and government issue anti-me BB's away, please. Time to get to work."

Nagisa's voice narrated over the scene. Kunugigaoka Junior High, Class 3-E. The Assassination Classroom. The bell rings, another day begins.

The octopus is shown close-up to the screen, letting out his iconic laugh.

"What's up with the time limit?" Itadori scratches his nape questioningly.

Yuzuriha (hells paradise) informs cooly, "It's like any assassination job, there's always a time limit."

"Let's see...... Mach Twenty, Regeneration, and the confidence to back it up....." Jazz (iruma-kun) lists slowly.

"Yeah.... I don't think they'll make it," Chilchuck (delicious in dungeon) concludes awkwardly, leaning back.

"Could you be anymore demeaning?! They literally have the support of the government and bullets that hurt him! I say their chances are fair," Ruby (oshi no ko) huffs, turning away.

Similar to the one on screen, Koro-sensei laughs, "Well said! Though they have much to work on before they can think about fairness!"

- Assassination Classroom | Youthful Savageness

The screen projected an image of the moon, permanently carved in a crescent shape in the night sky before it morphed to Koro-sensei's grinning face.

Youthful savageness!

The title of the show came on the screen, alongside a showcase of the students dancing to the music. They pumped their fists in the air, jumping off the balls of their feet. At the end, the octopus joined them, spinning around playfully.

"Awww! They're all soo cute!" Vanessa (black clover) cooed.

"Uh, what the hell is this?" Irina frowned, furrowing her brow.

Slapping a hand over his face, Karasuma sighs heavily, "Why are they dancing?"

Nagisa covered his reddening face with his hands, refusing to look at anyone. "This is sooo embarrassing...!" he moaned in his hands.

"I kinda have to agree," Karma nods, a light blush on his cheeks.

Chuckling, Koro-sensei placed a reassuring tentacle on the boys shoulders. "No worries boys! The camera captures your masculinity despite your actions on screen!"

This did not reassure them at all.

The octopus's face came on screen again, before being replaced with his red face with a red circle on it. Then it was his purple face with a large purple X over it. Then it was his yellow and green striped face with his mischievous grin.

"Pick a damn species, you freakishly overpowered alien!" Connie (aot) seethed, getting mentally overstimulated.

Tapping his fingers against his arm-rest, Todoroki hummed, "He's kinda like a mix between an octopus, mutant ooze, and a chameleon."

"So like sugar, spice, and everything nice?" Bokuto (haikyuu) quotes.

Kuroo snorts, "Of course you'd watch that show."

On the left side of the classroom, at their desks, 6 students were standing with their names and student numbers above their heads in colorful writing. At the back, was No. 21 Fuwa Yuzuki and No. 13 Sugino Tomohito.

In the middle was No. 7 Kayano Kaede and No. 11 Shiota Nagisa. At the front was No. 6 Kataoka Megu and No. 22 Maehara Hiroto.

We only speak of it when we're getting into action

"So.... If the screen is correct, then your name," Finny (black butler) points to Nagisa, "is Shiota, right?"

Nagisa shifts awkwardly in his seat at his surname. Rubbing at his nape, he answers sheepishly, "Call me Nagisa, please. I prefer my given name."

"Ah man! I'm sorry!" Finny whined childishly. "Japanese names can be so complicated!"

Karma couldn't help but glance over at his friend with slight suspicion.

In the middle of the classroom, 7 more students are shown with their names and student numbers. Alone at the back, was No. 15 Chiba Ryunosuke. Then it was No. 19 Hayami Rinka and No. 3 Okajima Taiga. No. 17 Nakamura Rio and No. 23 Mimura Kouki were up ahead. And at the very front was No. 4 Okano Hinata and No. 2 Isogai Yuma.

Because we know it's cool that way

"So many names...." Gon frowned, his head spinning from all the words and numbers.

"How do you remember it all...?" Iruma asks, turning to Koro-sensei with a curious look.

"My handy-dandy logbook was my sole companion in the beginning of my teaching journey!" Koro-sensei proudly answered.

"Man.... that sounds like such a pain~!" Bachira yawned, stretching in his seat.

Crossing his arms, Chigiri frowned, "Being a teacher must suck."

The scene switched to the exterior of the classroom for a second, the angle positioned towards a rapidly moving sky.

We'll find our target and unleash our bloodlust

At the top left of the classroom was: No. 8 Kanzaki Yukiko, No. 25 Yada Touka, No. 14 Takebayashi Koutarou, No. 10 Kurahashi Hinano, and No. 9 Kimura Masayoshi.

We hesitate, but we succeed nevertheless

"The people singing this... they kinda sound familiar...." Zenitsu trailed off.

"Yohohoho! Did nobody else realize this? No? Just me? Well....." Brook jabbed a boney finger at Karma and Nagisa. "our lovely singers are these boys!"

Karma and Nagisa exchanged a surprised look.

Jiro nods, one of her earphone jacks pointed towards the screen, "Now that you mention it, their vocal cords are one of the same as the ones on screen."

"If we take context clues from the other shows, I have to assume that one of them is the main character," Lance (mashle) concludes.

Haruhi sighed, thinking: Blue or red hair? Yeah, it's not that surprising.

At the bottom left of the classroom was: No. 26 Yoshida Taisei, No. 24 Muramatsu Takuya, No. 18 Hazama Kirara, and No. 16 Terasaka Ryouma.

Then at the bottom right of the classroom was: No. 1 Akabane Karma, No. 27 Ritsu, No. 20 Hara Sumire, No. 5 Okuda Manami, and No. 12 Sugaya Sousuke.

We can barely walk straight

"I sense stereotypes afoot," Reigen (mob psycho) announced dramatically.

Mob turned to his master with his usual look, "You can sense that sort of thing?"

"One of those kids look strange...." Zoro states uncharacteristically.

Usopp shrieked, "Don't tell me you're fat-phobic!"

Zoro grunts before gruffly adding, "I mean that other girl, No. 27. There's something off about her, like she almost doesn't belong."

"That comment isn't any better!" Nami yells, slapping the back of his head.

A quick montage of the octopus in various angles and settings is shown. One had him sitting in a lawn chair with tea, another was him at his desk writing papers, the last one was him with his back faced against the blackboard.

The scene changed to someone holding a silver pistol, their finger hovering over the trigger. on its side it read: S.A.A.U.S.O. Below it in smaller writing it read: Special Arms Against Unidentified Slimy Octopus with a smiling octopus face logo beside it.

What is this wave of nervousness?

It switched over to a small green knife on a wooden table. It had the same words that the pistol had, light glinting off the blade.

It's the proof of our existence?

"Special Arms Against Unidentified Slimy Octopus?" Reki (sk8) reads. "Seriously? Isn't that, like, insulting?"

"Seriously!" Irina chuckled, swinging her leg over the other. "You'd think the government had some sort of grudge against him!"

Karasuma hums stiffly, "They still do."

"Aww! How charming~" Koro-sensei blushed, holding his face in his tentacles.

"Is it really that flattering?" Shadow (sk8) questioned, only to get a shrug from Joe.

"A variety of guns and knives.... Classic assassination tools," Kurapika notes.

"They're good for beginners," Shin (sakamoto days) comments, nodding in agreement.

Akira (sakamoto days) whimpered, "But I doubt these weapons will do anything against that creature."

"What they need to learn is adaptation," Sakamoto (sakamoto days) lectures.

Nagumo laughed playfully, "Wise words coming from a retiree!"

Sakamoto, Shin, and Heisuke all gave him a dirty look.

A montage of flashing images comes on screen: the forever crescent moon, a man in a chair with glowing crimson eyes, a woman smoking a cigarette, a man with a grim expression, and a close-up of the octopus.

It surges as we look up into the moon

A man wearing a suit thrusts something at the octopus. A woman crosses her legs. A pair of teenage boys have a pair of nosebleeds. A flash of a woman's breasts. The results of a test paper. And the octopus flying up into the air at Mach 20 flashes on screen, quicker than before.

A couple more of the octopus' expressions are shown.

Let's get this over with!

"This is probably one of the most out of context montages I've ever seen," Reno (kaiju no. 8) deadpans.

Tohru (fruits basket) tilts her head to side, frowning, "A montage is fine and all, but some explanation would be nice."

"Is the context gonna help these scenes though?" Yuki (fruits basket) laughs awkwardly.

"If you think we're gonna get that in the first episode, then you're just plain inexperienced!" Rimuru (that time I was reincarnated as a slime) boldly declares.

Nagi glances up in a certain direction, before stating, "Every avid anime watcher knows that a good show has the answers spread out throughout each episode."

"Who exactly are you talking to?" Isagi asks, glancing around as to where Nagi was staring at.

"What's an anime?" Benimaru (that time I was reincarnated as a slime) whispers to Souei, who only shrugs.

Kusuo looks off to the side. This is like, totally, breaking the fourth wall, right?

The octopus turns toward the camera once more. Suddenly, the entire class breaks out into dance again. The teacher is still spinning playfully a the podium, with his students pumping at the air at their respective desks. The camera zooms fit from the front of the classroom to the back.

We can't stand still because we're not done

A second later, the students were dancing in the halls ways in rows of three by three.

We can't stand still because we're not done

A test paper floats in the air before being slashed through the middle.

We start off whispering about overthrowing the status quo

The camera starts faraway from the octopus, who was poking at his face with his tentacles with a mischievous smile. It quickly gets closer with each frame. Once it got close enough, a group of students burst up, wearing comedic infuriated faces.

But soon enough, we'll feel like crying out, "Argh!"

"And they're still dancing...." Nobara blanches, her mouth forming a line.

Maki sighs, looking off to the side, "Well, at least this isn't the angsty, emotional type watch that I thought it would be."

"I'm glad that children their age can be so carefree," Loid remarks, the corner of his lip twitching upward.

Irina pursed her lips, "So.... whose gonna tell the poor, ignorant dude?"

"What a co*cky bastard," Choji (wind breaker) cackles.

"That's sure to add some incentive towards killing him," Genos says knowledgeably.

"Is that really a good thing?" Finn (mashle) whimpers.

"It adds passion to a kill, rather than hesitance or a clean yet boring one," Robin (one piece) explains cooly.

"It sounds like you've got experience," Finral (black clover) comments.

Robin chuckles at his words but doesn't say anything else.

Finral's jaw drops, his inner voice yelling: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!

Spinning around faster than before, the octopus positioned himself at the back of the classroom. The camera panned from the back to the front, showcasing all the students dancing at their desks. This scene also included Karasuma and Irina at the front, dancing along.

We can't stand still because we're not done! (Yes, we can)

The students are back in the hallway, dancing still. The camera pans through all the students, wearing happy expressions.

We can't stand still because we're not done! (Yes, we can)

Different angles of the 3-E sign is shown, one in a warm light, another in a menacing one.

It's easy to say it's all futile and give up

Suddenly, the screen flashes with images of the students throughout the school year, whether having fun or enacting assassination attempts.

The montage stops to show a group of students jumping into the air, arms raised.

But for now we want to fight it!

"Aww man! Their class seems so fun!" Nendo (saiki k) whined.

Running a hand down his face, Denki sighed, "And I thought school wasn't supposed to be fun, no offense."

"None taken," the teachers within the audience chorus.

"An assassination classroom that has happy-go-lucky kids? Weird," Sakura (wind breaker) grumbles, his cheek resting against his fist.

Chopping his hand in the air, Iida exclaimed, "They're only in junior high, I don't blame them for their innocence!"

Recalling the open fire scene, Tamaki (mha) blanched, "Innocence? Is that what you'd call it?"

"But that means that they're only a year younger than us!" Kirishima's mouth parted slightly.

Asui shook her head, "With our schooling situation, I don't think we're any better. Ribbit."

More images of the students bonding flash on the screen. It stops to show the entire class jumping into the air, hands raised in the courtyard behind their school building.

We want to have a blast with you!

In three groups, the students are shown in iconic poses, bright backgrounds behind them. The last person shown with a bright purple background was the octopus. On the bottom right read: Koro-sensei - teacher.

Even so, our youth will be eternal

In the classroom once more, Koro-sensei is portrayed spinning around the screen.

Let's go! Youthful savageness!

The intro ends with the title of the show: Assassination Classroom.

"So, your name is...." Midoriya trails off.

"I was named Koro-sensei! Fitting, right?" Koro-sensei laughs, wearing a mischievous smile.

Mob (mob psycho 100) smiled a bit, saying, "I like that song, Master."

Putting an affectionate arm around his shoulder, Reigen chuckles, "Of course you would."

"This intro was a total vibe." Chifuyu (tokyo revengers) gave a thumbs up.

"Kinda makes me wanna get up and start to dance," Leorio contemplated, furrowing a brow.

Sticking out his tongue, Killua voiced, "Please don't. Nobody wants to see that, old man."

"And the lyrics are quite cheerful, compared to what we've heard the last few episodes," Jinshi (apothecary diaries) says thoughtfully.

"It totally fits the whole school aesthetic," Misa (death note) gushes.

Langa (sk8) raises a brow, "School could be an aesthetic?"

"I didn't know academic suffering could be made into something eye pleasing," Tokoyami frowns.

"Neither did I," Todoroki hums.

| Tapping his chalk against the board, the teacher turns to the class, calling out, "Okay, here's a puzzler for you. Isogai!"

"Uh, sir?" Isogai says hesitantly.

Sprouting four tentacles in different colors, he asks, "Which of these four tentacles is the odd man out?" The options were blue, white, pink, and green.

"Um, the blue one?"

"Excellent!" the octopus makes a circle over his head, his face red with a circle over it. "'The boy who is standing' employs 'who' as a relative pronoun. A relative pronoun...."

"Hey, Nagisa," Kayano whispers to the boy, directing his attention away from the lesson. "Check it out."

"Phew! And for a second, I thought we were gonna actually learn something!" Gon sighs in relief, wiping away imaginary sweat.

"The only thing I'm interested in is how to enact that kind of wicked shootout from before!" Mina (mha) exclaimed, starry eyed.

"How can you say such a thing?!" Yaoyorozu dramatically cried out.

Iida inserted loudly, "Relative pronouns are an important lesson to take in life!"

Mina rolled her eyes at his statement, but didn't try to argue further.

"How rude! Talking in my class! I'm gonna have a private discussion with Ms. Kayano after this!" Koro-sensei huffed.

"Y'know that's like the perfect time to enact an attempt against you right?" Chilchuck (delicious in dungeon) furrows his brow.

"I am well aware of that, but she must learn that talking in class is quite disrespectful!"Koro-sensei lectured, much to Chilchuck's exasperation.

| Pointing up at the permanent crescent moon, Kayano says, "Crescent moon's up. During the day. Neat, huh?"

Staring out the window pensively, Nagisa thought: How did this happen? How did we get here? I mean, as far as I know, it all started with two very big things kicking off third year.

His face blurred out of focus to show the fully formed moon. A black spot approached the moon, once close enough, it sent out a wave of energy. Seconds later, it detonated in a blinding white light, leaving nothing but a crescent shape in its wake.

First, there was the moon. One minute, it's fine, the next, kaboom. Permanent Crescent.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" the majority of the audience erupts, again.

"Something that can destroy the moon exists?!" Norman (tpn) gasps, hands covering his mouth.

"It's not as hard as you think, dude," Saitama chimed in unhelpfully.

"Ohhoho!" Loki (record of Ragnarok) laughed, clapping his hands. "Artemis is gonna be sooo mad~!"

"Mad is an understatement," Apollo interjects. "My sister will torture whomever is responsible."

"I doubt its a human, though. Maybe a rouge god or something?" Shiva disagreed, scratching his chin.

Kalego (iruma-kun) gave Nagisa a strength look, saying, "Calling it a 'big thing' is totally an understatement, kid."

Nagisa chuckled awkwardly in response, rubbing his nape.

"Only a nuke would be capable of this sort of thing, and it would take 600 billion of them, to make this kinda thing happen," Senku (dr. stone) calculated, putting two fingers in front of his face.

"600 billion?!" The people of his row and beyond yelled.

"It couldn't have taken that little amount of time, unless it was a heavily edited time-lapse, but I oubtday it," Gen (dr. stone) frowned.

"Meaning that something or someone much more powerful than a nuke did this," Hisoka smirked, licking his lips.

| On a massive screen in the city, after a brief loading screen, a male reporter puts forth, "Ahhh... We interrupt our currently scheduled program for this breaking news bulletin..."

On an another screen, a female reporter announced, "This just in. A portion of the moon has been vaporized. Some sources estimate over 70%. I repeat: according...."

On a different channel, another female reporter asked, "What does it mean? Astronomers the world over are struggling to figure out just that."

Karasuma sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "The media didn't exactly ease the panic of the public."

"Can you blame them?" Irina interjected. "It's one of the hottest stories of the century, they've got to milk to before it becomes old news."

"Ahh, the media..... So well informed, yet soo.... ignorant..... hah...." Aizawa slumped in his chair.

"But it is important that the public is somewhat aware, otherwise they may assume government involvement," f*ckuzawa (bsd) adds, crossing his arms.

"I'm impressed just how fast news can spread, like mold in a bathtub," Laios (delicious in dungeon) compares, to which most stuck their tongues out in disgust,

Scratching at his scalp, Aren (Saiki K) grumbles, "Who's seriously measuring this kinda stuff.... Like 70%? Who actually sits down and calculates this sh*t?"

| On the screen, it displayed the class 3-E sign once again.

There was that, and then there was him.

"Hello! How are you?" the octopus greets happily standing in front of the class. "So, I'm the one who blew up the moon."

"Huh?" It took a moment for the students to comprehend, before a look of comedic horror settled on their faces.

"IT WAS YOUUUUUU?!?!?!" Taiju (dr. stone), Asta, Itadori, Zenitsu, Hinata (haikyuu), Kaido (saki k), and Sokka all shriek, pointing accusatory fingers. (they are the loudest characters of the audience)

"An octopus is as stronger than the power of 600 billion nukes?" Takemichi cried out in despair, knees shaking.

"With his powers of regeneration and Mach 20 speed, it's likely," Suo (wind breaker) confirmed, to which Takemichi screamed at.

"Blow himself up, regenerate, then fly back to Earth...." Netero paused, stroking his beard. "Seems possible."

"That thing should've been put down already!" Kushida (COTE) whined, wrapping her arms around an unimpressed Ayanokoji.

Koro-sensei took offense to being called a thing, putting a tentacle to his chest. "Excuse you, but this thing has a name and everyone should know it by now!"

Inwardly, Kushida (COTE) rolled her eyes at his words.

| Waving his tentacles around, the octopus was surrounded by government agents in black suits. One agent had his gun aimed at him off to the left. "Next year, I intend to do the same to Planet Earth," he announced in a tone of nonchalance. "But never mind that now, I'm gonna be your new teacher! Isn't that exciting!?"

Letting their faces fall into comedic horrified despair, the students collectively thought: There are so many things wrong with this picture.

It was a strong first impression.

"I'm surprised just how calm these kids were," Armin complements, nervously rubbing his knuckles.

"I would've been shaking in my boots if I were them," Nirei (wind breaker) shivers, tapping his foot against the ground rapidly.

"A indestructible being and government agents in one room with me?" Shadow (sk8) asks himself hypothetically. "Nah. I would literally sh*t myself." The SK8 cast cringed at his analogy. (nah, I'd win aaaah)

"So, you're gonna destroy the Earth?" Kyouka (bsd) asked, curiously turning to him.

Korr-sensei turned to her, answering honestly, "I am a man of my word, my dear."

"Hence, why we're trying to kill him, duh," Karma drawls, leaning over.

Tanjiro furrowed his brow. Weird. I don't smell any bad intentions on him despite what he's saying....

His sound waves sounds weirdly neutral about this.... Zenitsu puckered his lips in thought.

Burying his face in his hands, Kunikida muttered, "This world is totally messed up."

| The man closest to the octopus addressed the class, "Uhh, I'm Karasuma. I'm from the Ministry of Defense. What, uh, what I'm about to tell you we in the business called 'classified'." Karasuma, a very serious looking man, sighed, "Aw, hell. I'll just come right out with it. I'm gonna need you to kill this thing for the sake of mankind."

Poking his cheek, Irina teased, "You definitely didn't beat around the bush, huh."

Trying to ignore her poking, Karasuma curtly answered, "The quicker they realized the situation, the better."

"He's a government agent? Not surprising," Loid quietly remarks, glancing off to the side.

"Entrusting junior high kids with government level arsenal? Where can that go wrong?" Nami scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Probably not anything too bad," Franky reassures. "Those kids seems trustworthy, well, maybe not the red haired one."

"Guilty~!" Karma waved off.

| The class gasps, their full attention caught. Mimura was the first to speak up, "Excuse me. No offense, is this a joke? 'Cause if that's the alien who blew up the moon...."

The octopus started to wave his tentacles around in an outrage, crying out, "A-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I am an Earthling born and bred, thank you very much!"

This only confused the class more. Nagisa thought: uh, okay?

"So you were a human?" Marcille (delicious in dungeon) asks hesitantly.

"That's correct!" Koro-sensei made an O with his tentacles, making Marcille jump in her seat.

"Well, that narrows our options down a bit," Yumeko (kakegurui) chirps.

"I bet on human mutation," Reno (kaiju no. 8) voices.

Robin (one piece) votes, "I bet on octopus evolution gone wrong."

"I bet on reincarnation, he died as a human but came back as a powerful octopus," Rimuru (that time I was reincarnated as a slime) suggests.

"I bet on a love affair between an alien and a human....sniff....they were never meant to be!" Nene (tbhk) cries out, much to the judgement of Hanako and Kou.

"All great theories!" Koro-sensei laughs encouragingly.

| "I'm not at liberty to discuss the details at this juncture. I'll just say he's telling the truth," Karasuma informs curtly. "His threat is all too real. As of this coming March.... He will obliterate the Earth."

The scene shifted to show a large monitor room with the crescent moon as the main attraction. Below the screens, sat multiple politicians debating amongst each other.

"Apart from you, the only people who know this are world leaders. If word of this leaks out to the public, we'll have widespread panic on our hands."

The main screen changed to that of the octopus waving his tentacles around, wearing his yellow and green ringed expression.

Glancing over at his teacher, Nagisa said lightly, "You're not exactly easing their fear, sir."

Koro-sensei's eyes glinted as he remarked, "I'll admit, I do enjoy taunting them from time to time."

"This deadline is eallyray tight!" Gen (dr. stone) exclaimed, ruffling his hair.

"An impossible task shoved upon the youth, yup, sounds like something a politician would do!" Franky (one piece) says gruffly. (his comment is not connected to real world politics, don't think about this too much other then the anime)

| "He must be terminated soon and with extreme prejudice. Which means that you must become assassins." He reached into his suit coat to pull out a green knife, which he slashed to the right, the octopus dodging it with ease.

As he continues to stab at the creature, he explains loudly, "Now, you'll notice he's incredibly fast!" Karasuma scowled, pausing as the octopus started to pamper his hair and eyebrows. "And for some reason, he likes to groom eyebrows. Immaculately!"

The octopus blushes briefly at the forced complement before Karasuma takes another swing.

Scooting away from his teacher, Karma narrows his eyes and absentmindedly touched his hair.

"Nothing is better than a satisfied customer!" Koro-sensei proudly remarks, blushing.

"Are we sure he's not bluffing about the destroying Earth thing?" Yuji asked, looking around.

"Immaculately? Really? Should I cheat on my hairstylist for this once in a lifetime service?" Bokuto (haikyuu) wonders, oddly asking Kenma for advice.

Glancing away from the screen, Kenma groaned, "Dude, how the hell am I supposed to know?"

| The students scream as wind whips through the room. The octopus poses himself in mid-air, without any damage, clicking his tweezers playfully. "You're looking at a being so powerful he can obliterate over half the moon in seconds. So fast, he's been clocked at Mach Twenty. A world where he's allowed to live is a world waiting to be destroyed, plain and simple."

Carefully putting away his grooming tools in a pocket sized container, the octopus hummed, "He makes it all sound so grim, doesn't he? Cheer up! I've graciously made your government an offer. 'Stop making fools of yourselves trying to kill me,' I said. 'And let me teach Class 3-E at this illustrious institution!'"

With his eye twitching, Nagisa thought: Seriously?

"That's......actually really cool," Tanaka affirmed, mouth agape.

"His confidence is truly admirable!" Todo expressed, hitting his fist against his chest.

"Stop feeding his ego guys!" Kyo (fruits basket) yells, pointing to a very happy Koro-Sensei.

"Making an offer to the government?! Who the hell is this guy?!" Jean (aot) marvels.

Unconsciously gritting his teeth, Levi scowls, "This guy just so happens to be a ticking time bomb that spells the end of mankind."

"I wouldn't mind the world ending if it was by that guy," Dazai says absentmindedly.

"Seriously, where are your priorities?!" Kunikida scolds, shaking himself out of his funk.

Swooning, Dazai smiles, "A painless death~ And by the looks of it, now it seems possible."

"Yeah, by March. Can you even wait that long before you attempt again?" Chuuya interrogates harshly, reducing Dazai into overthinking mess.

| An irk mark forming at his temple, Karasuma disclosed, "We didn't have much of a choice." A flashback of multiple men trying to shoot at the octopus is shown, with the intended target reading a paper as he dodged. From above, people watched him carefully.

"We have no idea what his motives are, but we agreed on the condition that none of you students would be harmed in any way. The advantage is twofold. On the one hand, we'll know his whereabouts a good portion of every weekday, which is something. On the other, he'll be in close range to thirty people with the means and incentive to kill him."

"That's one way to shift responsibilities to someone else," Hades (ror) voiced, pursing his lips.

Mey-Rin (black butler) angrily slammed her fist, "They're using his request as an excuse!"

"And what's worst is that they're trying to justify it," Ray (tpn) sighs, pinching his brow.

"Though I get the first advantage, what's thirty killers when they're all noobs," Speed-o-Sound Sonic (opm) frowned, crossing his arms.

"Against the strongest creature in their world. Yohohoho!" Brook laughed iconically.

Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, Katara commented, "And who knows if he'll actually abide to that condition of not hurting the kids."

"Like I said before, I am a man of my word," Koro-sensei answers. "Besides, I would never hurt the children! Perish the thought!"

| With one eye closed, Nakamura takes her shot and fires a bullet which the teacher caught between two pieces of chalk. If he hadn't it would've hit him between the eyes. "Nakamura! I distinctly remember saying no guns discharging in the classroom!" he scolded, his face getting red.

"I know..." Nakamura says sheepishly.

"Back row, young lady. Think about what you've done." Nakamura groans as she heads back.

"I like that girl's spunk!" Raiden (record of ragnarok) barks loudly.

Mori (bsd) mused, "She has good marksmanship, lots of potential there."

"Give her some proper lessons, and she'll be shooting like a pro," Mirio (mha) remarks confidently.

"I dunno why you're punishing her, she's justing doing as she's told," Honey-senpai inquired, sticking out his bottom lip.

In an even tone, Koro-sensei explained, "It certainly was good, but it's still a classroom, and it's distracting to the other students."

"You're the one distracting the students " Horikita (COTE) muttered, looking off to the side.

| Absentmindedly writing in his notebook, Nagisa held his cheek in his palm. Why would this "thing" want to be our teacher? And how are we going to assassinate him if the government can't? Those are the questions we should have asked from the start, but I guess we got distracted.

The screen blurred again to show a close-up of Karasuma's face. "Do the deed and you get ten billion," he states bluntly.

"HUH!?" the students scream, eyes nearly popping out their heads and jaws dropped.

"WHAT?!" the audience cried, matching the students expressions on screen.

"Oh, come on, no fair!" Reigen (mob psycho) childishly whined.

"What I'd give to have a chance, to get that kinda of moola," Leorio deadpans, wearing an uncharacteristically dark look.

Looking around, Nagisa could help but think: It's kind of a nice change to be envied.

"No wonder you were so distracted," Mahiru (servamp) reassured Nagisa sympathetically.

"It's not even that much though?" Reo (bllk) frowned, tilting his head.

Asmodeus (iruma-kun) rolled his eyes, "I think you guys are overreacting."

"Ten billion is barely pocket change! It's totally not worth killing over!" Yaoyorozu proclaimed confidently.

"Are you kidding me-" Jinwoo (solo leveling) blanches before getting cut off.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Nobara screeched, her once ladylike features turning demonic.

"YOU DON'T GET TO COMMENT, YOU NEPO BABIES!!" Aren (Saiki K) roared, veins forming and pulsating on his face.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE FOR THE REST OF US!!" Uraraka wailed, burying her face in her hands.

| "It's only fair," Karasuma continues, unbothered. "Kill him, save the Earth. If that doesn't deserve a life on Easy Street, what are we fighting for? He doesn't think you can do it. Use that. Green stripes indicate he's feeling superior. We...have some experience with it."

Wearing his mischievous face, the octopus co*ckily waved his tentacles in front of his face.

"Freaky," Maehara mumbles.

"Truth be told, I'm not worried," the octopus remarks. "The military couldn't kill me, why would anyone assume students could? After all, you don't even have fighter jets!"

The scene switched to Koro-sensei flying fast in the air with a fighter jet chasing closely behind him. Just as they locked onto him, the pilot fired some shots only for the target to disappear. He was on the top of the plane, wiping it down.

"Hard to keep tidy, fighter jets," the octopus says to himself,

Switching back to the classroom setting, Meg quips, "What's with the cleaning fetish?"

"It is not a cleaning fetish! It's a bad habit! Besides, there's nothing wrong with cleanliness!" Koro-sensei insisted, waving his tentacles around.

"I hate to agree with you, but yes," Levi slowly nodded.

"At least they've got each other to match their freak," Mitsuya chuckled, awkwardly glancing away.

"A lot of experience? HA!" Hakurou (that time I was reincarnated as a slime) guffawed. "Serves them right!"

Reki (sk8) shuddered, "I think he's underestimating just how malicious junior high kids can be."

"All those hormones built up in the tiny pubescent bodies, it's crazy!" Umemiya (wind breaker) adds, making an explosive hand gesture.

| The two standby agents wheeled in a cart of ammunition, followed by a box of knives. Holding up his knife, Karasuma finishes, "It's all on you. Find the cracks in this smug bastard's defenses and exploit them. The weapons you'll be provided are harmless to humans but extremely fatal to him. And, it goes without saying, we'll need to keep this between us. The clock is ticking. Decide whether you'll stand for our home being blasted to space dust."

"Putting on the pressure, huh," Kalego (iruma-kun) noted sharply.

Straightening his shoulders, Karasuma disclosed, "It had to be done. The kids had to understand the seriousness of the situation."

"That doesn't warrant you to be a total jerk about it and gaslight them!" Hina (Tokyo revengers) shouts.

In a surprisingly serious tone, Iroh mused, "Yes, the Earth may be ending. But once you force its fate into the hands of children, I'm afraid there's not much left to save."

Wow. They're really digging into the poor dude. Karma watched at the sidelines, eyeing his harassed teacher.

Nagisa frowned; We should probably help him..... But the boy made no move to do so.

| "That should just about cover it, I think." The octopus starts to rub his tentacles in anticipation. "What do you say we hit the books and make the final year of your lives a productive one?"

The scene blurs out of focus to show the target writing on the chalkboard in the present. So that's it. We have a year to live. If we can't find a way to kill our teacher, Earth is gonna be history.

The screen faded to black.

"Don't despair, young one! I'm sure you and your teacher can come to a peaceful agreement!" All Might exclaimed, making a thumbs up.

"Yeah.... That's not possible...." Nagisa blanched, his mouth forming a straight line.

"Then take this chance to watch your teacher on the big screen," Light advised, crossing his legs.

Pressing his thumb against his lips, L adds, "In other words, analyze his every action and note when he makes a mistake."

"Yeah! Be better!" Ranpo childishly yells, letting out a proud laugh.

Adam (record of ragnarok) remarks calmly, "I have no doubt that humanity will push forward, as they always have."

"Don't get too co*cky, father of humanity," Zeus (ror) warns, a dangerous glint in his eye.

| Briefly showing the exterior of the school building, the bell chimed loudly, causing their teacher to look up from the board in surprise. "Oh? That's lunchtime, everybody." He slithered over to one of the windows, opening it and informing the class, "Excuse me while I pop over to China for a quick bite. You have my cell number, any killers feeling especially trigger-happy today are welcome to hit me up."

And with that, he blitzed out of the classroom, leaving his students covering their faces from the gust of wind that was left in his wake. "Ok, math...." Nakamura voiced. "If he's traveling at Mach Twenty...."

Nagisa finished her thought by saying, "It'll take ten minutes tops to reach his favorite take-out place in Sichuan."

Where is the order, the rationality?! Ryota's (kakegurui) jawed dropped.

"He was surprisingly nice about it," Mafuyu (sakamoto days) deadpans.

Nearly tearing out his hair, Gen (dr. stone) squawked, "Popping over from China for a quick bite?! Are you for ealray?!"

"So if he's going from Japan to China, that's....." Taiju (dr. stone) paused, struggling to calculate the numbers on his fingers.

Without a beat, Senku (dr. stone) spoke up, "It's 3046.61 kilometers if we're going off the distance between the countries center cities. It would take 3.34 hours based on average airplane speed of 567 miles per hour. Oh! And did you know-"

"Yeah, that's enough," Kohaku (dr. stone) sighed, covering Senku's mouth with her hand.

| "So, just to be clear: we've absolutely ruled out missiles?" Maehara glanced around.

"Are you kidding?" Isogai scoffed. "Even if we had access to that kind of hardware, he can break the sound barrier."

"While grading!" In the air, the teacher is shown grading papers mid-flight as the students spoke.

"My homework even came back with a doodle on it." A brief flashback of Isogai awkwardly holding up a test paper is shown. On the corner, was a doodle of a red octopus making a O.

"All things considered, you have to admit he's not doing a bad job."

"I know, right?" Kurahashi is shown studying with the octopus alone. "He tutored me on algebra and I killed it on our pop quiz the next day!" Suddenly, she pulls out a knife and tries to stab him, only for him to stop it without even looking up.

Perking up, Koro-sensei beamed at his students, "You really think that? Am I really a good teacher!?"

Before Nagisa could properly respond, Karma remarked, "Don't let it go to our head, teach."

"Yeah, you're not special, octopus," Irina scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure he is, ma'am," Laios (delicious in dungeon) corrects.

"I dunno what you're talking about, I'd kill to have such a passionate teacher," Aang dramatically exclaimed, falling back in his chair.

Umemiya (wind breaker) chuckles, "A teacher that actually prioritizes their students are rare to find these days."

"Well, with how kids are turning out these days, I don't blame them," Suo (wind breaker) shakes his head lightheartedly.

| "Yeah, Kind of a shame," Mimura sighs darkly. "We get our grades up just in time for the world to end."

"Well, college wasn't happening either way," Okajima hummed, leaning back.

A dark mood settled over the class, the students drowning in their self pity and misery.

The audience took a momentary pause before Kusuo said, "Uhhh.... What just happened?"

"The mood just took a 180," Iruma whimpered, kinda concerned.

Rubbing his nape awkwardly, Joe (sk8) groaned, "Yeeeaah.... The vibe took a total nosedive just now."

"Should students really be this pessimistic?" Hercules (record of ragnarok) questioned. "They should be out there, enjoying their youth!"

"Let me guess, you're uneducated?" Law (One piece) quips bluntly, much to Heracles's and Ares's surprise.

| To fit the mood, Nagisa's face had a shadow darkening his features. Flying super-cephalopod bent on world destruction? Check. Impossible target? Check. But he might be the best damn teacher any of us has ever had.

Unsheathing his knife, Nagisa stares down at it intently. Forget that we're all would-be assassins and that most people probably see us as average, garden variety third years. Nagisa glanced over at his classmates. At least on the surface. Underneath it all, though. Class 3-E has always been different.

"Your thoughts are kinda depressing, kid. Are you okay?" Sakamoto (sakamoto days) asked in concern.

Nagisa blushed in embarrassment, stammering, "Um! I'm better now!"

"Are you sure, I have good contacts if you want someone to talk to," Mori (Ouran) suggested, making full eye contact with Nagisa.

Practically steaming, Nagisa groaned, "Uh, no thanks!"

"Besides the whole assassination thing, what could make them so different from other junior high students?" Horikita (COTE) furrowed her brow.

"You probably know, right?" Kushida (COTE) gushed, making a cutsy face.

Koro-sensei became eerily quiet for a moment, then he went back to his usual happy self like nothing had happened. "All in good time," he simply answered.

| "Yo, Nagisa," Terasaka addressed.

Nagisa gasped, looking over his shoulder to see Terasaka and his group of friends. "Look alive, little man. Time to put our money where our mouth is and get this done."

Nagisa nods softly, humming in response.

"I have a bad feeling about those boys," Tamaki (Ouran) mutters, biting his nails.

"What gave out away? The total gangster-wannabe attitude or the general rudeness?" Haruhi inquires dryly, which hurt Tamaki's ego.

Nagisa stiffened, nervously glancing over at Karma, who seemed bored. I can only hope he doesn't take this the wrong way....

| The boys were outside the school building, settling themselves at the entrance to the courtyard with Terasaka and his group sitting on the stairs. "So we know the octopus' face changes color depending on what mood he's in," Terasaka starts gruffly. "Have you been keeping track like I asked? Gimme the specs."

Karma furrowed his brows in suspicion. Since when did he start pushing Nagisa around?

"I don't like how he's talking to him," Yor frowned, putting a hand on her face.

Loki (ror) stuck out his tongue, "I expect nothing less from human. Money-hungry as always."

| "You got it." Nagisa pulled out a small notepad, reading off of it. "I guess for starters, green stripes mean he feels co*cky. So that's something. When we give a wrong answer, his face goes dark purple. When we answer correctly, bright red. What's interesting is every day after lunch, without fail..."

"Blah blah, whatever!" Coming down the stairs, Terasaka brandishes his knife a little too close to Nagisa's liking. "We got more 'n enough. When his guard's down, that's when we make our move."

"What a jerk!" Nejire shouts, pouting childishly.

Ban rolled his eyes, "And he's a total idiot to boot."

"It's a no brainier that you'd hit your target when his guard's down," Shin (sakamoto days) shook his head in disappointment.

Luffy adds confidently, "Anyone with common sense would know, no assassination experience needed!"

"And that's coming from him!" Nami finishes, running a hand down her face.

"He's an insult to the assassination profession!" Rei (buddy daddies) hisses, biting the inside of his cheek.

"No need to be so mad, guys....." Gabimaru trails off.

| "Well, at least you do."

Nagisa flinched back from the knife. "Yeah. About that, I..."

Getting into Nagisa's face, Terasaka groans, "Don't start! We've been over this! Worried about your transcript? Wake up, dude! We're 3-E! Everyone expects us to be thugs and murders anyway!"

"Just 'cause everyone expects you to be like that, doesn't mean that you have to oblige," Todo shakes his head.

Tanaka (haikyuu) snorts, "Way to apply the stereotypes."

"Wow. A total money-grubber and a moocher? What a guy," King (sds) remarks bluntly, snapping his fingers.

Slumping in his seat, Takemichi sighs, "Kids these days, they're growing up so fast."

"Yeah, he's just like any adult you'd meet on the street," Draken observes, stroking his chin.

| "You know what the E stands for, right? End of the line. Think they shuttle us up this mountain every day for the view? Sorry to burst your bubble, man, but society don't want us." Throwing an arm over Nagisa's shoulder, Terasaka brings his classmate closer into his grasp. "When do nobodies like us have a shot at the kind of cash at stake here?! This is our one-way ticket out of the boonies! No guts, no glory."

Terasaka pulls out a small orange bag out of his pocket, dangling it over Nagisa's head. "Let this be your moment to shine. Man up. Go make a name for yourself." He drops the bag into Nagisa's hands, which he frowns at.

As he and his friends start to walk away, Terasaka calls, "Best of luck. Try not to blow it....."

"Are" Sero tilts his head to the side questioningly.

"I hate people like this. Total hypocrites," Yuno rolls his eyes.

Sakura (wind breaker) scoffs, "All this talk about being a man, and look at what he's doing."

"Just 'cause society doesn't want you, doesn't mean you gotta treat everyone like ass," Rimuru (that time I was reincarnated as a slime) blanches.

Killua threw his head back in exasperation, "At this rate, they're never gonna kill that guy."

"Forget assassination, they'll never graduate if they keep setting each other up to fail," Ciel corrected, running a hand through his hair.

"Classmates, much less comrades in arms shouldn't treat each other like this!" Midoriya exclaims.

Irina disputed loudly, "That's easy for you to say. Try to get along with a class of 28 eccentrics and see how you feel!"

The main characters of school based anime all shared a knowing look.

| Staring at the bag in his hand, Nagisa stiffened as memories came to the surface. "You hear about Nagisa? They're chucking him to E-Class." The scene blurred to show a notice on a desk.

"Heh. Shocking. What else were they gonna do?"

Nagisa is shown sitting at his desk surrounded by darkness and his former classmates, all whom were staring down at him. At their gaze, he started to think into himself.

"That's one less name in my contacts. I'll tell you that."

"Yeah, How messed up is it that we even know someone like him?

"What a bunch of self-entitled brats!" Smiley (tokyo revengers) fumed.

"See what I mean, ruthless," Reki (sk8) clicks his tongue against his teeth, shaking his head.

Sakura (wind breaker) glanced over at Nagisa, feeling an odd sense of kinship between them.

"Just cause he's changing classes, doesn't mean that it's okay to just toss him to the curb like that!" Lemon (mashle) shouts.

Furrowing his brows, Yami (black clover) remarked, "End of the line? Sounds like some asshole trying to create an upside-down system."

"And it seems like class 3-E is the victim of this system," Julius (black clover) finishes.

Well, they figured that out quickly. Karasuma sighed, placing a hand on his head.

| The darkness faded away to show Nagisa staring blankly at the ground until a slow approaching whirling noise brought him back to reality. The octopus landed on the ground with a loud thud, creating a dust cloud that made Nagisa yelp and cover his face.

The smoke quickly cleared away to reveal his teacher holding a missile. "Hello there! I'm back!" he cheerily greets.

"Okay, hi, sir. So, what... what's with the missile?" Nagisa blinks owlishly in surprise.

"What do you do with them afterwards?" Ryuuichi (school babysitters) asked awkwardly.

"Oh, I use some spare parts for this and that," Koro-sensei replied cooly. "But I usually just send them back!"

"Well that's....nice of you..." Atsushi trails off, deadpanning.

Kurapika sighed, holding his head in his hands, "I know I'm supposed to be in disbelief right now, but honestly? I'm not questioning anything anymore."

"I'm sure that after all of this, our sense of reality will be....poof....nonexistent," Meliodas gestured, opening his palm.

| "A souvenir from a strike force that tried to bring me down over the Sea of Japan," the octopus waves off.

Sweating profusely, Nagisa shifted uneasily. "Must be lonely spending your life in the crosshairs."

"Quite the opposite, actually!" he chirped, raising a tentacle like a finger. "Reminds me of how amazing I am!"

Nagisa's eyes widened as realization struck.

This guy reminds of that bastard..... Barou irked inwardly, his irritation directed towards an unsuspecting Isagi.

"He has quite the ego!" Sullivan (Iruma-kun) laughs jollily.

"Makes me wanna knock him down a peg or two," Bakugo smirked, punching his fist into his hand.

"By all means, shoot your best shot!" Koro-sensei laughed challengingly. "It won't do much though, so I apologize beforehand."

"Uggh! Now I get why you guys wanna kill him so bad!" Denji yelled, pointing childishly.

"The more the merrier I guess...?" Nagisa chuckled, rubbing his nape.

| "Now then. Inside for fifth period, please." The octopus walks past Nagisa, carrying the missile over his shoulder.

Nagisa's brow furrowed as he watched him walk away before his eyes lowered from the guilt. "Sure..." His thoughts started to flood his brain once again. There's no denying it. He is amazing. Confident. Capable. Powerful enough to make people stand up and take notice. Even if they are trying to kill him. Everything I'm not. Everything I'll never be, no matter how hard I try, or how many chances I'm given.

His surroundings shifted to black, leaving him alone in the dark.

"Hey kid...." Kaido (Saiki K) softly addresses. "If you really need someone to talk with...."

"I'm fine, thanks though," Nagisa declined politely.

Nendo interjects, "Are you though? Everyone can see how you think about yourself. No point in denying it. You should lighten up kid!"

Is Nendo actually adding something useful to the conversation? That's a first. Kusuo acknowledges.

More people started to input their own advice and sympathy towards Nagisa, causing the poor bluenette to nearly die from the positivity and embarrassment.

Looks like I have to check in on the adult presences in Nagisa's life. Just to make sure! Koro-sensei stored his thought away for future reference.

| In a shaky perspective, a male teacher grumbled, "Because of you, I received the worst teacher's evaluation of my career, you un-teachable brat. Far as I'm concerned, this campus can't eject you fast enough."

"That's no way to speak to your student!" Marcille (delicious in dungeon) shouts in indignation.

"What an asshole," Karma sighed, narrowing his eyes.

Burying Nagisa in her breast, Vanessa (black clover) cried, "How could they bully such a sweet boy!"

Deadpanning against her flesh Nagisa had a thought. This feels.....oddly familiar....

| Hearing his heartbeat reverberate within his chest, Nagisa tightens his grip on the bag, his gaze having a sharp edge to it. I can do this. I have an advantage. I'm as invisible to him as I am to everyone else. With his back faced towards him, Nagisa locks a blue target onto his teacher.

The scene is concluded by a cut scene that had the title of the show written on the corner of a chalkboard.

Licking his lips in interest, Hisoka chuckles softy to himself.

"He has potential," Nagumo (sakamoto days) hums absentmindedly. "Though I am a bit disappointed that he's as pessimistic as everyone else in our line of work."

"It's for obvious reasons, dummy," Natsuki (sakamoto days) rolls his eyes.

Jinwoo (solo leveling) swiped his tongue against his teeth. Though he doesn't have the build, he might actually become a decent assassin.

His bloodlust's impressive, especially with how lackluster his training is. Killua unconsciously cracked his fingers.

Nagisa wanted nothing but to sink into the very depths of hell itself with how embarrassed he felt in this moment.

| Once the sound of chalk tapping against the backboard stopped, the teacher turned to his class, announcing, "Okie-dokie! Your assignment this afternoon is to compose a short poem." He settled himself down on a chair. "The final line should read 'was tentacles all along.'"

"What? Huh?" The students chorus.

"Well thats....odd," Yuichi (tomodachi games) slowly addresses.

Megumi shrugs, "Not the worst thing we've seen today though."

"Tentacle fetish," Kikoru (kaiju no. 8) mutters, glancing off to the side,

"He's totally dragging out whole the tentacle schtick," Nobara imparted, her lips pursed.

"He's almost making it his whole personality!" Panda realizes suddenly.

"Correction. You can barely get past his ego to even get a glimpse off his personality," Maki scoffs, pushing her glasses up.

| Tasing her hand, Kanzaki asks, "Excuse me, sir. Really?"

"Really!" the teacher confirms. "When you've completed the assignment, kindly bring it forward. You will be graded on creativity, grammar, and overall beauty of expression. Here's an example: 'Not the storm of garden's snow of flowers moving on, but sprouting there was tentacles all along.'"

Isogai sighed, "Yeah, because that makes a whole lot of sense. Sheesh."

"You may go home when you're finished," the octopus finishes, causing an immediate uproar.

"What? But sir!" Kurahashi cries out. "'Was tentacles all along'?"

"What would usually be an easy grade has now been turned into a menial burden," Kalego (Iruma-kun) lists calmly before an evil smile crossed his face. "Well done."

"Having students debate over fake poetry is genius," Aizawa complements.

"W-WHA! It's poetry!" Koro-sensei argues. "The kind that challenges the mind!"

Quirking his brow upward, Magma (black clover) interrupts, "Really? It just seems like some sort of desperate attempt to try and include yourself in the lesson."

"It's not enough that you have to be the center of attention but you also have to occupy the minds of the students 24/7," Lance (mashle) voices, checking his nails.

Aghast at the accusations, Koro-sensei frantically looked around for help only to no one willing to face the wrath of those characters. "Oh god!" he cried into his tentacles, brought to tears.

Giving Lance a blank look, Mash (mashle) shared, "Way to make a 9 foot octopus cry, meanie."

"And I thought that you'd be the bigger person," Luck (black clover) laughed.

"SHUT YER TRAP!!" Magma (black clover) blew up, throwing random punches at Luck who dodged them easy.

| "Should get those li'l synapses sparking and the imagination slithering!" To demonstrate, the octopus makes sputtering noises while wailing around his tentacles.

"Could you please knock that off!?" Maehara shouts in exasperation.

To match himself on screen, Koro-sensei started to wiggle his tentacles, grossing out the people of his row.

"Eewww...." Jinshi (apothecary diaries) cringed.

Just think of all the drugs I could make with regenerating limbs! Maomao practically drooled at the thought. Or maybe even inject into my blood flow~! Just one piece!

| "Um, sir? Question!" Kayano raised her hand.

Stopping himself, the teacher stops himself to reply with: "Huh? Of course! Fire away, Kayano!"

Kayano tilts her head, saying, "Do we always have to call you sir? You haven't given us your name and I think we need one. I mean, it'd be kinda awkward if we don't call you anything, right?"

Itadori furrows his brow, asking, "Yeah, now that she mentions it, they haven't been calling you by name. What's up with that?"

"Ah, well," Koro-sensei pauses, as if struggling to answer for a moment. "Koro-sensei is a name I was given after I met my students."

"So what. You just didn't have a name before that?" Bard (black butler) challenged.

"Rather a name that isn't suitable for classroom use," Koro-sensei disclosed.

"Like what? A slur?" Baji suggests.

Ruby shakes her head, "I hope not. Wouldn't want the poor guy to get canceled."

Despite not knowing the terminology, Baji didn't question it.

| "Ah. Well, now..." the teacher pauses, stumbling over his words.

"Oversight," Sugino mumbles.

"Yeah, a little bit," Fuwa agrees.

"Hmmm...." the octopus scratches his head in thought. "Trouble is, I don't have the sort of name you just give to people. Why not pick one for me?"

"What could go wrong?" Maehara sweats.

"What a missed opportunity," Hikaru sighs, crossing his arms.

Shaking his head, Kaoru added, "They could've had a lot of fun with that."

"I say...." Karma somehow pulls out a notepad and pen, smiling mischievously. "We make up for lost time?"

This triggered many of the characters to group together and cooperate with each other to find Koro-sensei a befitting name.

"Now this is what I like to see! Proper cooperation!" Koro-sensei exclaims gleefully.

Is this really what you want them to cooperate on though? Finn (mashle) wanted to ask.

| "Just focus on meter and syntax."

"M'kay!" Kayano brightly smiles.

"I'll take a short break while you take up your pens." Slumping into his chair, the octopus's face shifts to a light shade of pink.

As he was summoning his resolve, Nagisa furrowed his brows. He stared at his teacher for a moment before he stood up, his notebook pressed against his chest.

The teacher glanced up, humming, "Seems the muse favors Nagisa."

From the back, Terasaka laughs darkly as Nagisa made his way up front.

"What was the plan exactly," Karma asks warily, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

Nagisa avoided his gaze, but it didn't help much due to Karma's piercing gaze burning holes into the side of his head. He's looking at me, isn't he?

"Ranpo? Do you have a prediction?" f*ckuzawa (bsd) raises a brow.

Ranpo's (bsd) month formed an awkward line on his face, unable to bring himself to answer what usually would be an easy question.

Now sweating profusely, Atsushi thought: Oh, now that is definitely not a good sign....

"I have a really bad feeling about this..." Kurapika says slowly.

"Nothing good comes from a creepy child laughing," Leorio agreed.

Bang (opm) adds, "Much less from a wannabe gangster turned killer."

| As Nagisa slowly walks over to his teacher, it is revealed that behind his notebook was a hidden knife. His world around faded to black, his face neutral despite his footsteps echoing in his ears. Every day after lunch, without fail, he gets sleepy. I can tell he checks out when his face turns pink. Kayano's question threw him off, he seems distracted. All signs point to this being the right moment.

His eyes narrowed as his thoughts got darker, his classmates watching him cautiously. Prep-school flunkies know how to slip between the cracks. It's what we do. Parents and teachers are always yapping at us to 'apply ourselves.' Apply ourselves.....

"Not bad, kid," Irina acknowledges, mentally tucking away that information.

Watching Nagisa from the corner of his eye, Karasuma took a deep breath. I guess we've got our informant.

Hinata (haikyuu) cringes, "The way his thoughts can suddenly switch is unbelievable."

"His thoughts are only matching his situation. Simple," Kenma decided curtly.

Is he seriously diagnosing me?! Nagisa's jaw parted slightly from shock.

"The amount of angst in his body probably isn't healthy," Chilchuck (delicious in dungeon) comments dryly.

"Plus, his nutrition balance is totally messed up," Senshi (delicious in dungeon) voices, putting a hand over his forehead. "For a growing boy, this is such a tragedy."

"Is that what you're focused on?" Tohru (fruits basket) questions, tilting her head.

| In a flash, Nagisa whipped out his knife; he made a slashing motion only to have his target burst into black smoke. "What did I say about thinking outside the box?" the teacher scolds, catching Nagisa's wrist. He grabs Nagisa's knife carefully, using a handkerchief as a barrier.

"sh*t! He's fast!" Hakkai swore, putting a hand on his head in disbelief.

"You were so fast, I almost didn't even see it!" Tanjiro chirped, pumping his fist.

Almost didn't?! Does that mean you actually saw it?! I literally have a speed-based breathing style, and I still couldn't keep up!! Zenitsu nearly clawed at his face from the frustration.

An uncomfortable frown crossed Karma's face as he glanced over at Nagisa briefly. That was fast.....

| All right then. Nagisa leaps into his target's arms, his arms wrapping around his neck. Here goes nothing. Flashing his teacher a soft smile, Nagisa brandished a grenade hanging from a thin string on his neck. The octopus made a strangled sound at the sight, obviously horrified.

Sneering gleefully, Terasaka pushes a button triggering the explosion. Thousands of tiny bullets sprayed out in waves, bouncing against the chalk board and shooting it out towards the other students. Shrill screams and cries of terror resonated throughout the lonely building.

Soon, a burned husk fell to the ground, still sizzling.

"What on earth?!" Ciel gasped, straightening himself.

Immediately analyzing him for lasting injuries, Kunikida shouts, "Kid, are you okay?!"

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Asta yells, raising his fist.

Kafka (kaiju no. 8) bangs his fist against his arm-rest. "You have so much to live for!"

"How dare you pull that stunt at the prime of your youth!" Raiden (record of ragnarok) snarls.

Kohaku (dr. stone) fumed, "Is your life so meaningless that you must throw it away?!"

Feeling everyone's eyes on him, Nagisa flinched, stammering, "I-I didn't get hurt-"

Suddenly cutting him off, Karma stood up and struck Nagisa across the face. "What. The. Hell. Nagisa."

Nagisa was reduced to silence, holding his reddening cheek in one hand with wide eyes.

Just as Karma was about to strike him again, Koro-sensei pulled his wrist back, saying in a firm tone, "That's enough, Karma."

Struggling to yank his hand free, Karma snapped, "Where do you get off risking yourself like that?! Smiling like a saint just to blow up second later?!"

Nagisa swallowed thickly at his words, "I don't."

At this, Karma gritted his teeth but eventually settled down due to Koro-sensei's hold on him. There was a long pause before either one of them spoke.

"We could've lost our best researcher..." Karma hissed lowly.

"But you didn't," Nagisa pointed out, looking up with a small smile.

Taking a deep breath to further calm himself, Karma gently hit Nagisa on the head; to which Nagisa responded by shoving him softly.

"Awwww~" Diane cooed, eyes sparkling. "They made up~"

| Pumping his fists, Terasaka cheered, "HA! YEAH! We did it!"

With her hands covering her mouth, Kayano whimpered, "Nagisa?"

"Yeah! We're gonna be billionaires!" Yoshida jumped up in joy.


Light's gaze darkened. "There's something seriously wrong with those guys."

"They're not even checking if he's okay!" Emilico (shadows house) complained.

Emma (Tokyo revengers) spat, "It's like they're not even thinking about him!"

"Greed is such a terrible disease," Iroh shakes his head in disapproval. "It poisons the mind and makes a person forget the importance of humanity."

| Isogai snapped, "You jerks!"

"What the hell have you done?!" Maehara adds furiously.

Bending at the waist, Terasaka peers down at the husk triumphantly. "Hah! Never saw a suicide bomber coming', did ya?"

"What an asshole!" Ymir bristled, being partially held down by Historia/Krista.

"A suicide bombing? That was the plan?!" Sokka slapped a hand over his face.

Shinobu frowns, "I'm more worried about why Nagisa even agreed to this in the first place."

"Do you think he's....." Maomao (apothecary diaries) trailed off, dread overcoming her.

| "Terasaka!" Kayano erupted standing up, her fists balled. "What'd did you make Nagisa do?!"

Turning to her, Terasaka frowned, "What? I'm sorry, you have a better idea? I gave him a modified toy grenade filled with those stupid BB's. And a spoonful or two of gunpowder so they'd scatter at a high enough speed." Further appalled by this information, the students gasp. "Don't worry, it wasn't enough to kill anybody. I'll pitch in on his medical bills."

Overhearing rapid muttering, members of the audience looked over to see Gyomei muttering prayers, hands pressed together as tears streamed down his face.

Well, at least there's that. Nagisa sighed, deadpanning at Terasaka's audacity.

"How generous," Karma comments, his tone suddenly darker.

Senku (dr. stone) groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. "BB guns hurt like hell but they can't kill a human, not in normal circ*mstances anyway. But if Terasaka is right about this, then he'll live but the scarring and the removal of said bullets from his flesh will make him wish that he didn't."

"So what you're saying is, is that Terasaka majorly screwed him over?" Ginro (dr. stone) quivers.

Sanemi scoffs, "That's a nice way of saying it, but yes."

| Terasaka bent down to observe the damage, only to to be surprised by what he saw. Nagisa was lying on the ground unconscious, covered by a transparent membrane, completely unharmed.

"Whoa. He doesn't even have a mark on him." Shakily lifting up a piece, Terasaka sweats, "And, what the hell is this membrane? Did the body, like...?"

Out of nowhere, the teacher's voice spoke up, "It's not a body, it's a husk."

The majority of the audience members suddenly found themselves on edge, all of whom were experiencing the symptoms of fear.

"Oh boy," Nagisa cringed, almost holding his breath.

Shuna tearfully exclaims, "I'm so glad he's okay!"

Placing a hand over her chest, Yor turned to Nagisa, advising him, "Don't go scaring everyone like that." I nearly popped a blood vessel from the suspense!

Nagisa laughed awkwardly, bowing his head respectively at her words. If the explosion scared her, I can't imagine how she'll react to this....

"A target protecting his killer, huh," Saitama mused. "Now that's something you don't see everyday."

| "I shed my skin once a month." As the class looks around for their teacher, Nagisa bursts out from the membrane easily, rubbing his eyes. "I wrapped it around your classmate to protect him from the blast."

Terasaka grew pale, feeling a shiver crawl up his spine. He looks up to find his teacher hanging from the ceiling, his eyes glowing red and staring straight at him with wisps of smoke filtering around him.

A feeling of dread filled the air, an unsaid fear of the creature that would supposedly destroy the Earth (in a different universe) settling deep into the audience's bones.

"Huh, no wonder Terasaka shat himself," Karma wondered to himself, furrowing his brow.

People around him started to scoot away, all wearing expressions of hesitance.

Koro-sensei fretted, waving his tentacles furiously, "Oh, no. Please, don't be afraid!"

"Can you blame them?" Irina comments dryly.

Giving him and awkward smile, Nagisa adds, "You can be pretty terrifying sometimes, sir."

At their words, Koro-sensei curled up in his chair, bemoaning to himself.

| "I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you didn't see this coming." Nagisa tensed as he watched his usually happy joyful teacher turn to something sinister. "Terasaka. Yoshida. Muramatsu," Koro-sensei lists off frigidly.

As the gang of boys cowered at the sounds of their names, the room darkened and became colder. Students whimper as nightmare-fuel appears before their very eyes.

Okay, that's a face we haven't seen before.

Sounds of guttural groans, flesh twisting, and teeth gnashing sounded throughout the classroom as the octopus undergoes a horrifying transformation.

Pitch black must mean pissed!

Midoriya said in a strangled tone, "He's terrifying...!"

"This is horrible!" Finn (mashle) cried, bitting his nails with vigor.

Clasping his hands over his ears, Zenitsu shrieked, tears already spilling.

"Damn it!", Killua gritted his teeth, unable to stop his hands from shaking.

Clinging to Norman, Emma (tpn) nearly had a panic attack from the utter terror she felt.

Taking in their reactions, Koro-sensei started to sweat. "Ah! No, children! A teacher shouldn't be terrifying!" In one fell swoop, Koro-sensei wrapped his tentacles around all the minors within the theater. "I'm sorry if I scared you!"

The adults of the theater stood up, ready to throw hands only to pause once they saw what was truly happening.

Senku (dr. stone) was curiously poking at the tentacle wrapped around his waist, much to Maomao's (apothecary diaries) envy.

Sokka was attempting to put a tentacle feeler in his mouth, which he was failing spectacularly.

Th younger characters were bouncing around, using the tentacles as a trampoline

Some chose to snuggle with the tentacles, being gently rocked by Koro-sensei himself.

Some were being coddled/groomed (like hair or clothes you pervs!) meticulously.

"Wha-?" Shadow (sk8) stammered in bewilderment.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Karasuma groaned, "Just let him get it out of his system."

Glancing back at the screen and the scene in front of them, Gen (dr. stone; an adult) mused, "Someone needs to do a comprehensive study on this guy's bipolar behavior."

| "This was your doing. Wasn't it?!" the teacher seethed.

Yoshida flinched back, "Who...? Us...?"

With his forehead shining with sweat, Terasaka gasped, "It was all Nagisa!"

In a flash, the octopus growled before disappearing in a whirlwind of dust. He dashed all throughout the city, from the streets to the train tracks exiting it. Then, just as he disappeared, he came back standing in front of the group of boys. A rush of wind accompanied him once again, making all the students scream and cover their faces.

Levitating one of the smaller tentacles, Mob voiced, "That's a bit extreme, isn't it?"

"But suicide bombing isn't?" Nagi lazily lifted his head from Koro-sensei's makeshift pillow.

Shaking his head, Kunigami quotes, "Don't dish it out if you can't take it."

"And clearly, they can't," Chigiri scoffs, pointing to the faces of the boys.

"They're still lying after all that?" Ray (tpn) hummed, leaning into Koro-sensei's tentacle. "Impressive."

Miya (sk8) frowned, "They've got a whole lotta pride for what?"

"Enough to deny that they're piss-pansies," Karma barked in laughter.

| The boys cowered in fear as the octopus drops three familiar wooden plaques onto the ground. Terasaka gasps, "The nameplate off my house!"

"Here's the deal, kiddos," the octopus growls, holding a bag of the students nameplates. "The agreement I have with your government forbids me from harming you. But there's a catch." He holds up one of the nameplates in front of his face.

"If you pull another irresponsible stunt like that again..." He drops more nameplates onto the ground. "There's nothing that says I can't harm someone else. Family... Friends...." His splits into a monstrous grin. "Everyone in the world except for you, if I feel like it."

The minors of the theater looked on in terror in his hold, shrinking from where they sat.

The adults raised their eyebrows, turning to Koro-sensei challengingly.

"I wouldn't actually follow through with it!" Koro-sensei said quickly, waving his tentacles and increasing his coddling further.

"Could have fooled us..." Nagisa blanched.

Much to everyone's surprise, Misa squealed, "Soooo cool!"

"But would you do it if they asked?" Gon asked curiously, innocence radiating off him.

"Uuuuuh? Sure! Anything for my students!" Koro-sensei stammered, rubbing his nape.

Irina groaned, sticking out her tongue, "Ugh. What a suck-up."

| The students whimper as the reality of their situation settles, their stomaches dropping as the price of killing their teacher just went up.

Suddenly it's clear how hard this is going to be. Nagisa curled his hands into fists, digging his nails into his palm. We can't run, we can't hide. Slipping between the cracks isn't an option. The only way to kill him.

In his mind, Nagisa pictures Koro-sensei with the Earth in his hold, letting out a hauntingly evil laugh.

"Was running and hiding even an option though?" Nishinoya questioned.

Tsukishima shook his head, "I don't think the government would take that very well."

"Yeah, no kidding..... They'd probably agents or something to eliminate them!" Kou (tbhk) started to make wild gestures to make his point, much to Tsukishima's displeasure.

Using his fingers to mimic Karasuma's thick eyebrows, Aang falsely growls, "Kill an impossible target to save the world, no pressure."

Karasuma internally wonders: Do I really sound like that?

"Pffft-HAHAA!" Irina cackles, slapping her knee.

| "Go on! Threaten us!" Terasaka blurted, pointing a shaky finger at the shadowy target. "I ain't afraid of no squid! Where do you get off blowing up the moon?! We got rights, you know! Call us irresponsible! We're just defending ourselves!"

Addressing Koro-sensei, Karma shared, "Y'know, I dunno if he's either stupid or brave to confront you looking like that."

"I must commend his bull-headed nature," Koro-sensei complements. "Though I wish it didn't come to the expense of his fellow classmate."

Jinwoo (solo leveling) deadpans, "Well...that's a nice way to look at things...."

| Suddenly, like a switch, the teacher changed back to his relatively harmless self. He wore his red circle expression, indicating that Terasaka got something right. "of course. I know that. I'm not calling you irresponsible for trying to kill me."

Gen (dr. stone) inwardly concluded: Yup, it's official. This guy is definitely bipolar!

"Aren't you contradicting yourself?" Tristan (sds) countered, rubbing his chin.

Lancelot (sds) adds, "Trying to kill you was the reason you got mad in the first place."

"No it wasn't!" Koro-sensei insists, vigorously shaking his head.

| "No. No. No." The octopus reached over to pat Nagisa on the head. "As a matter of fact, Nagisa here gets full marks for technique. His composure was simply outstanding. However!" His face reverted back to normal as he jabs a finger in the boys direction. "None of you cared if he was injured. Not even Nagisa himself, it seems. Students with that attitude aren't fit to assassinate anyone." His expression changed to a purple X with veins popping out from his temple.

Terasaka, Yoshida, and Muramatsu all looked away in shame; all wearing matching beads of sweat and tears on their faces.

Nodding along to his on screen self, Koro-sensei patted Nagisa head, saying, "And your composure has only gotten better since then! Well done!"

Nagisa blushed from the sudden praise, nodding quietly in response.

Rolling his eyes, Sakura (wind breaker) voiced, "Not even an apology or accountability? Tch....cowards."

"Awww, Sakura! Don't think about it too much!" Suo (wind breaker) reassures cheerily before his tone changed. "Remember, they're still children."

"But they're only a year younger than us??" Nirei (wind breaker) brings up, confused. But Suo didn't offer any explanation, just smiling placidly.

"So assassins can't have suicidal or sacrificial tendencies.... Got it," Kinro (dr. stone) notes dutifully, sitting up straight.

"Why would you need that information?! What's it for?!" Ginro (dr. stone) frets, clawing at his older brother's clothes. "Tell me!!!"

| Turning to the rest of the class, the target addressed, "You must believe yourself worthy of your target. That means taking pride in what you do, in yourselves, and each other." He raised a lecturing tentacle. "All of you are more than the sum of your parts.

"Aww man! He's so encouraging! Why can't you be more like him!" Mina (wha) whined.

Lied (Iruma-kun) loudly added, "And you can have a better attitude towards us! Where's the care, the compassion. Huh?"

Kalego (iruma-kun) and Aizawa both let out a tired sigh, waving off their respective students. They shared the same thought: I don't get paid enough for this....

| Nagisa absentmindedly rubbed the spot his teacher had petted. Chewed out at Mach Twenty, reassured by a tentacle wag. It's a bizarre education. But one I think is starting to grow on me. I guess, when you spend your whole life being invisible, well, it's something to feel like you're being seen.

As Nagisa stood up, the octopus noticed a sizzling burn mark on his desk. Suddenly, the scene changes to the remains of a destroyed building.

What is it now? Kafka (kaiju no 8) dreads, letting out a groan.

"Looks like we're getting a flashback," Naoto (Tokyo revengers) observes.

Kyouya (Ouran) put forth, "I guess there's more to this egotistical thing then we thought."

"He is a beautiful creature!" Tamaki (Ouran) snivels. "Don't you dare call him a thing!"

"He's not even your teacher...?" Haruhi blanches, but let him have his theatrics.

| "If you..." a woman spoke, her voice wavering. "If you could sacrifice a little bit of your time. Give the children the tools they need to succeed." The woman gently touches the tentacles wrapped around her upper arm. "Such wonderful tentacles." A man with tentacles as hair stood over her, his figure covering in shadow. "With hands like the, you could reach them. I know it in my heart."

That voice sounds familiar..... Nagisa slowly turns to Koro-sensei, asking, "Sir, is that you?"

Koro-sensei remained eerily quiet, his gaze glued to the ground.

"Is he okay?" Kyouka (bsd) whispered to Nagisa, to which he shrugged.

"I guess this scene is pretty personal," Katara murmured, trying to get her brother's attention.

Sucking his teeth, Sokka sighed, "Yeah, no kidding."

| The scene cut back to the classroom with the teacher snuffing out the burn mark, turning to Nagisa. "Here's a puzzler for you, Nagisa. Given that I have no intention of being killed." He turns back to the class to address them all. "Though, of course, I have every intention of enjoying our time together before the planet goes kerplooie. What, exactly, are you going to do about it?"

"The answer's self-explanatory, isn't it?" Connie (aot) picks his his ear.

"I guess he wanted to get moral going and heads spinning," Armin acknowledged, scratching his nape.

"Is that what you wanted to do?" Emma (tpn) gently asked.

Koro-sensei nodded slowly in response, answering, "I wanted to assure my students while maintaining my confident attitude."

Joining in, the younger characters took turns in stroking his ego in attempts to make him feel better. In conclusion, it worked.

| Nagisa eyes widen. That's the big question, isn't it? It's not like we have a lot of experience figuring out how to save the world. He clenches his fist. I have a feeling, though. One way or another.... we're gonna be fast learners.

Relaxing from his previous surprise, Nagisa smiled cunningly. "I think you'll find out I can do plenty, sir. Just you wait and see."

"Aaah~ That's a nice expression~" Hisoka moaned, throwing his head back.

Gabimaru comments lamely, "Okay, so we've gone from depressing to sociopathic."

"These guys are weird." Horikita (COTE) cringes.

"They're just as bipolar as him. What a oincidencecay!" Gen (dr. stone) remarks pleasantly.

| The octopus lets out his iconic laugh, his face covered with green and yellow stripes. "That's the spirit! No one leaves until I'm vanquished!"

The students groan loudly. "Way to go, Nagisa," Nakamura huffed.

"This is totally balls!" Maehara complained.

"That is kinda unfair, sir," Iruma voices, using a tentacle as an stress-toy.

"What's fairness is the world of assassination?" Koro-sensei playfully teases, chuckling as he groomed Iruma's eyebrows into peak condition.

| Nagisa only smiles as he heads back to his seat. Yep. We're assassins. Our our teacher.

Moving at Mach Twenty, the octopus started top polish the name plates, mumbling, "Wipe it clean..."

"Man, I don't wanna be a killer," Sugino protested.

Maehara started to reload his gun. "Ugh. We're so screwed!"

"We still don't know his name!"

"Yeah, good luck with that guys," Denki recited, snickering.

Teru (tbhk) nods in acknowledgement, "I offer you my condolences."

"Better you then me," Kuro (servamp) yawns, stretching onto Mahiru's shoulder.

"Hope you guys got home after all that~" Vanessa claimed in, blowing a kiss.

| "How do you say un-killable in Japanese?" Kayano wonders, which was brought to Nagisa's attention. "Koro-sen-nai.... Koro-sensei!"

"Koro-sensei?" Nagisa repeats, testing the name in his mouth.

The octopus, now dubbed Koro-sensei, perked up from the nameplates. "Huh?"

That feels right. Nagisa smiles, giving him a subtle nod. Just us and Koro-sensei. Here in our assassination classroom.

Assassination Classroom: Assassination Classroom

"Awww.... That's nice of her," Elizabeth (sds) coos.

"And practical too," King (sds) nods appreciably.

"She must be pretty good at wordplay," Kate (shadows house) thought aloud.

Grinning, Mirio remarks, "Combining his two main aspects into one name? Genius!"

"Do you like your name, sir?" Ryuuichi (school babysitters) inquired.

"Of course!" Koro-sensei clarified. "More so because one of my students put so much thought into it! It'd be disrespectful otherwise!"

I feel like that was a dig towards me.... Karasuma deadpanned.

- Assassination Classroom | Hello, Shooting Star

The outro starts with a speed-draw of a cartoonish Nagisa under a cloudy night with a knife in his hand alone. Then Karma was drawn next to him alongside other students wearing moss and grass atop their heads, aiming their weapons towards Koro-sensei.

The sun shines through with a red afterimage

Koro-sensei is shown flying over a rainbow, under a shining sun.

On the other side of my eyeballs.

"Yet another soft outro for a totally intense show," Uraraka frowns.

Nagi's sighed, "I guess that's what I look like in someone's rendition."

Why am I drawn next to Nagisa??? Karma furrowed his brow.

"They drew me so cuddly and friendly looking.... I love it!" Koro-sensei gushes, hugging all the characters in his hold.

Mitsuya said in a slightly muffled voice, "Really? I didn't take you for the cutesy type."

"Was it not obvious?" Yuki (fruits basket) shared, struggling a bit in Koro-sensei's hold.

Under the same sun, students played baseball amongst themselves.

With the notebook and pen in my leather bag.

In a comic book style, students were shooting Koro-sensei, who was clinging to a tree branch, with water guns.

Come, let's start walking.

In the next panel, some kids were shooting poison darts at Koro-sensei.

No matter how much I draw, it isn't pretty

Karma blinked, "Poison darts? Now that's not a bad idea,"

"Poison? Really!" Maomao (apothecary diaries) salivates.

"A bit pointless if your target is faster than the speed you can throw or blow your dart towards," Fel (campfire cooking) huffs.

"It's a good use of materials," Rengoku complements.

"A bit old school though," Natsuki (sakamoto days) shrugs.

Next to it, Koro-sensei was looking at some erotic pictures. Then it was him standing behind students who were studying hard.

It's not the fault of the paint I chose

Above the panels, a cherry blossom tree was drawn with stars next to it.

I still remember the shooting star I saw at midnight yesterday

The stars then started to twinkle, the scene expanding to show all of the drawings coming to life.

I was waiting for..... Hello, shooting star. Hello, shooting star again. I've been waiting

"The drawings are coming to life?" Emma says in awe, eyes sparkling.

"I thought this was only possible with magic?" Noelle raises an elegant brow.

Rubbing his nape earnestly, Itadori hums, "O-kay, guess I gotta explain what animation is, huh."

The scene expands to show that the drawings was a large drawing of Koro-sensei on the chalkboard in the classroom.

That dreaming girls always here. Ah ah~ Just like on that day. Ah ah~

A white shooting star flies across the screen, turning everything white.

Please keep shining....

Applause arose throughout the theater as the screen turned back to black.

"Bravo! It was extraordinary!" Brook laughs.

"A perfectly happy watch, nothing too scary or sad about it!" Laios (delicious in dungeon) smiles.

Eyes sparkling, Midoriya exclaimed, "I can't wait to see what's next!"

"After ten episodes, you think you'd get used to it all but nope!" Iida says to himself. "Not yet, it seems."

Karasuma let out a long sigh, standing up, "Hey octopus, why don't you let the kids go so we can get ready for the next episode?"

Koro-sensei let out a disappointed whine, "Awww, do I have to?"

"Yes. Now," Karasuma seethed, now getting irritated.

With another drawn-out wine, Koro-sensei unwillingly redacted his tentacles. Some were glad to be free, some weren't.

But it didn't matter, they were onto the next episode whether they liked it or not.

Watching their Anime's | Season 1 - Chapter 12 - STARS_OFTHENIGHT (2024)


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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.