On-Campus Employment - Center for Career & Professional Development (2024)

  • After logging in to your FrogJobs Powered by Handshake account, start your job search by clicking the “Jobs” button on the upper left-hand side of the webpage
  • Click the “On-Campus” filter option
  • A list of available on-campus jobs ready to hire will be located on the left
  • Once you find one that sounds right, click on the job tile where you can then read about the role, qualifications, expectations, compensation and special considerations
  • If the job sounds right, click the red “Apply” button to apply for the position

The Federal Work-Study Program is a federally funded need-based employment program available to eligible undergraduate students. In order to be awarded work-study, you must file the FAFSA and demonstrate financial need eligibility based on federal guidelines. The award amount is an earning opportunity. Funds do not pay directly to your student account, instead your earnings are received by paycheck/direct deposit every two weeks. To see if you qualify for the federal work study program please contact the TCU Financial Aid Office at finaid@tcu.edu or 817-257-7858.

Before you begin working on campus you must first complete all required employment employment verification paperwork with the Center for Career & Professional Development Office. Office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM, no appointments necessary.

The process for employment verification is different for international students, see the information below for that process.

Students must provide documentation to TCU to show their identity and authorization to work in the U.S. To do this, students must complete the following.

  1. Complete the I-9 form.
  2. Provide appropriate original documentation within 3 business days of your first day of employment. Students must choose from the List of Acceptable Documents on the I-9 form: One document from List A, or one document from List B and one document from List C. No copies of documents are accepted.
  3. Bring the I-9 Form and the appropriate original documentation to the during business hours.
  4. Once your I-9 paperwork has been verified, students will receive an email from the Center for Career & Professional Development. This email will notify you of the next steps you must take, which include working with your hiring supervisor.
  5. Hiring supervisors must complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) through my.tcu.edu. Once complete, this automatically routes to Financial Aid (when appropriate) and then to Human Resources for processing.
  6. Once you receive an email from Human Resources with a start date, you may begin to work on that start date. You should not begin to work before you receive the email from Human Resources or before the start date noted within that email.
  7. The email from Human Resources will also provide you with directions on how to set up your direct deposit, tax withholdings (W4s), sign up for your W2 and other information.
  8. You will be required to use Frog Time to log your time worked. If your job is not active in Frog Time, you are not clear to work and should not begin to work.Contact your hiring supervisor for assistance.
  1. Come to the Center for Career & Professional Development with your social security card, passport and I-94 confirmation page. If you do not have your social security card, please contact the International Services Office at internationalservices@tcu.edu.
  2. Complete I-9 and Worker’s Compensation page in the Center for Career & Professional Development office.
  3. Once your I-9 paperwork has been verified, you will receive an email from the Center for Career & Professional Development, informing you it has been completed.
  4. The Center for Career & Professional Development will then forward your information to HR Payroll.
  5. TCU HR will email you instructions regarding the completion of Glacier (online international tax reporting software). Completion of Glacier is mandatory before beginning to work.
  6. After Glacier is complete hiring supervisors must complete the Electronic Personnel Action Form (ePAF) through my.tcu.edu. Once complete, this automatically routes to Financial Aid (when appropriate) and then to Human Resources for processing.
  7. Once approved in HR you will be able to set up direct deposit and W-4 on the my.tcu.edu portal.

Where do I find a job?
Students can find job opportunities across campus by logging into their Handshake account. Select “Jobs”> “On-campus” to view only campus student employment options.

I have questions about my pay. What should I do?
Contact the TCU HR Payroll department at HRPayroll@tcu.edu.

What documents do I need for my I-9 paperwork?
You must choose from the List of Acceptable Documents on the I-9 form: One document from List A, or One document from List B and one document from List C. No copies of documents are accepted.

What is the timeline?
The verification process can take up to 3 business days if all needed documentation is completed. If there is a delay in the paperwork needed, there will be a delay in completion.

May students work during winter break, spring break or summer break?
All students may work up to 40 hours per week during breaks (spring break, winter break and summer break). There is no compensation for lunch or break times.

How many jobs can I have?
You may work any number of jobs on campus. It is recommended you do not work more than 20 hours a week.

On-Campus Employment - Center for Career & Professional Development (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.