Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (2025)


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24 Aug 2021

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 392

Answer: 69

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  • Spanish (Mexico)

Question about Spanish (Mexico)


Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (2)

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24 Aug 2021

  • English (US)
  • Spanish (Mexico)

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It means that it is purely what is said, without any special or singular characteristics. It serves to emphasize the importance or the effect that something simple or simple causes.
If someone says: "en la mera esquina", it means that something is right in the corner.
I hope I helped you, i don't find other way to explain it. 😖

Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (4)

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24 Aug 2021

  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Spain)

Quality Point(s): 509

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Es una jerga, significa ‘exactamente’.

‘La mera esquina’= ‘Exactamente en la esquina’
‘La mera entrada’= ‘Exactamente en la entrada’
‘La mera entrada’= ‘Exactamente en la frente’.

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (11)

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24 Aug 2021

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 392

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Thanks!!! Helps a bunch.👍



24 Aug 2021

  • English (US)

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@vedillomafer 👍✌


24 Aug 2021

  • Spanish (Mexico)

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (20)

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24 Aug 2021

  • English (US)

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24 Aug 2021

  • Spanish (Mexico)

Quality Point(s): 2465

Answer: 401

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I think you would translate these expressions as
The very corner
The very entrance
The very forehead
Another way to say it in Spanish is
La misma esquina
La misma entrada
La misma frente
But have in mind that the word 'mismo' doesn't compare things in this usage, it's used just like @angy_cm and @vedillomafer explained

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (28)

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25 Aug 2021

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 392

Answer: 69

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@Manu_Ferreyra 👌✌

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (36)

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (38)

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (39)

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Mera meaning in Spanish. I've heard it used like. La mera esquina La mera entrada La mera frente Thanks!! (2025)


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