A Company Man | Rotten Tomatoes (2024)

Reviews 57% Audience Score 250+ Ratings

A faded pop star (Lee Miyun) gives a contract killer (So Ji-sub) a reason to want to quit the assassination business. Read More Read Less

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Critics Reviews

View All (2) Critics Reviews
A Company Man | Rotten Tomatoes (1) J Hurtado ScreenAnarchy A Company Man Is A Bittersweet Life In A Wanted World Nov 6, 2017 Full Review A Company Man | Rotten Tomatoes (2) Isaac Feldberg We Got This Covered With a more interesting storyline and better supporting actors to pair with its terrific action sequences and emotive leading man, A Company Man could have been more than half of a great movie. Rated: 5/10 Aug 26, 2013 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member Between the entertaining action sequences, The very basic revenge plot line is not enough to carry the movie along. I did not care about any of the characters, or their relationships with each other, which the movie relies upon to drive the story. The final fight sequence is a bit unbelievable and comical. Rated 2/5 Stars • Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/24/23 Full Review Audience Member 44%Saw this on 1/12/15With a plot borrowed from A Bittersweet Life without any of the latter's style and a combination of boring, dull plot with mostly cliched situations, subpar acting, Company man is the worst Korean film that I have seen thus far. I don't watch many Korean films, but when I do, they will be great. Rated 2/5 Stars • Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member A Company Man is a tired exploitation of the Korean revenge movie genre. The synopsis is almost a copy/paste of A Bittersweet Life, and has the same main actor playing an identical type of character. The biggest difference I found is that A Bittersweet Life has an awesome soundtrack while A Company Man score is nothing but memorable. Otherwise, the ressemblance is so obvious that as the story unveiled itself, i found myself exponantially hoping I was rewatching ABSL instead. Rated 2/5 Stars • Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review johnathon w Above average thriller that while not perfect, makes up for thanks to some excellent action & unrelenting plot. Jisub So is solid in the lead role while not being showy while getting great support from the rest of the cast. Behind the camera, Sang-yoon Lim crafts some fun action scenes (a knife fight on a busy highway is a highlight) while keeping the twists & deaths coming (some of which are surpising). However, he doesn't take advantage of the corporate/mafia parallels first presented, which could have been a great source of satire. Overall, a solid action film but not much more than that. Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/30/23 Full Review Audience Member Feels like a good start to Lim making the standard Well Go films, just needs more polish in a few areas- most notably the great RED cinematography in the whole film till the final end gun fight that for some reason looks to be shot on a eng camera at 60i and never corrected for some reason. I think the story is also abit to romance-ish that feels off with the pace in places. Rated 3/5 Stars • Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/04/23 Full Review Audience Member Halfway decent action movie. It's something that Jet Li or Jason Statham would do for Stateside production. The action sequences are spectacular and very well-choreographed. The plot is simple as a hitman kills someone and then befriends the family. Then he supports the family and well, does what he does best. It has veins of Leon the Professional. Hitman and other similar movies. Rated 3.5/5 Stars • Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/24/23 Full Review Read all reviews

A Company Man

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Cast & Crew

Im Sang-yun Director So Ji-sub Ji Hyeong-do Lee Miyun Mi-yeon Kim Dong-jun Hun Kwak Do-won Gwon Lee Kyeong-yeong Ban
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A Company Man

A Company Man (2012) A Company Man (2012) A Company Man (2012) A Company Man (2012) View more photos

Movie Info

Synopsis A faded pop star (Lee Miyun) gives a contract killer (So Ji-sub) a reason to want to quit the assassination business.

Im Sang-yun

Im Sang-yun

Production Co
Simmian, 51k, Showbox/Mediaplex

Action, Mystery & Thriller

Original Language

Release Date (Streaming)
Aug 26, 2013

1h 36m
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A Company Man | Rotten Tomatoes (2024)


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Fresh red tomato. When at least 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a red tomato is displayed to indicate its Fresh status. Green splat tomato. When less than 60% of reviews for a movie or TV show are positive, a green splat is displayed to indicate its Rotten status.

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If 60% of reviews are positive, the movie is given a “Fresh” status, but if positive reviews fall below that benchmark, it is deemed “Rotten.” A popular piece of media will typically fall between the 70-90% range, but rarely, a project will receive a 100% score. This means every last review from critics was positive.

Is a high Rotten Tomatoes score good? ›

If the positive reviews make up 60% or more, the film is considered "fresh". If the positive reviews are less than 60%, the film is considered "rotten". An average score on a 0 to 10 scale is also calculated.

Is 98 Rotten Tomatoes good? ›

Any additional Rotten reviews could toss the movie from the 99% Club and into the gutter that is a 98% score, to associate with the likes of Wizard of Oz and The Godfather. You'll notice most in the 99% Club are from this century. Movies may or may not be getting better, but they are getting reviewed more.

What movie has the highest rating on Rotten Tomatoes? ›

To date, Leave No Trace holds the site's record, with a rating of 100% and 252 positive reviews.

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To receive a full popcorn bucket, at least 60% of users give a film or show a star rating of 3.5 or higher. A tipped over popcorn bucket indicates that less than 60% of users have given it a 3.5 or higher.

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Citizen Kane (1941) stood at number 1 for five consecutive polls, with 22 votes in 1962, 32 votes in 1972, 45 votes in 1982, 43 votes in 1992, and 46 votes in 2002. It also topped the first two directors' polls, with 30 votes in 1992 and 42 votes in 2002.

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The longest film ever made, according to Guinness World Records, is "The Cure for Insomnia" (1987), directed by John Henry Timmis IV.

Is it good to have 0 Rotten Tomatoes? ›

On the film review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, films that every surveyed critic considered bad have a 0% rating.

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Six films in total have grossed in excess of $2 billion worldwide, with Avatar ranked in the top position.

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Rotten Tomatoes is now owned by Fandango Media, and it uses Fandango's movie ticket purchase system so that users can purchase movie tickets directly from its site. So, some of Rotten Tomatoes revenues also come from a fee it collects for each online ticket purchase.

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2. Popcorn symbol: On the other hand, if you come across a popcorn bucket icon, it signifies that the movie has received a positive audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Similar to the tomato rating, the percentage displayed with the popcorn symbol indicates the proportion of favorable audience reviews for the movie.

Which is better, IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes? ›

IMDb has tons of information about the movie and the people involved with it, to include the entire cast and crew, but IMDb does not have reviews. For reviews, we go to Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic. RT collects more reviews than Metacritic, but breaks down the critics as either liking the film or not liking the film.

Does Disney own Rotten Tomatoes? ›

Rotten Tomatoes, owned by Warner Bros.

What does 35 Rotten Tomatoes mean? ›

“As the reviews of a given film accumulate, the Rotten Tomatoes score measures the percentage that are more positive than negative, and assigns an overall fresh or rotten rating to the movie. Scores of over 60 percent are considered fresh, and scores of 59 percent and under are rotten.

What does the tomato and popcorn symbol mean? ›

Final answer: The tomato symbol next to a movie title in DirecTV indicates that the movie has received positive reviews from critics. The popcorn symbol represents the movie's popularity among audiences.

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Rated G: Suggested for general audiences. Rated M: Suggested for mature audiences - Parental discretion advised. Rated R: Restricted – Persons under 16 not admitted, unless accompanied by parent or adult guardian. Rated X: Persons under 16 not admitted.

What does 95 Rotten Tomatoes mean? ›

Meaning of the reviews that rotten Tomatoes assessed, 95% of them were positive. It's a binary and doesn't go into how much each critic liked the movie, but it's still useful to look at the Tomatometer because it's become an industry standard of sorts.


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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